A Simple Clique Camouflaging Against Greedy Maximum Clique Heuristics

Taking a small graph, on which the randomized New-Best-In maximum clique heuristic fails to find the maximum clique, we construct on its basis a class of graphs exemplifying the inefficiency of SM greedy heuristics considered by Brockington and Culberson. We show that a 7(k+1)-vertex graph from this class is enough to provide a counterexample for … Read more

Domination Analysis of Combinatorial Optimization Problems.

We use the notion of domination ratio introduced by Glover and Punnen in 1997 to present a new classification of combinatorial optimization (CO) problems: $\DOM$-easy and $\DOM$-hard problems. It follows from results proved already in the 1970’s that {\tt min TSP} (both symmetric and asymmetric versions) is $\DOM$-easy. We prove that several CO problems are … Read more

A Note on Approximating the 2-Catalog Segmentation Problem

We present a $.73$-approximation algorithm for a disjoint $2$-Catalog Segmentation and $.63$-approximation algorithm for the joint version of the problem. Previously best known results are $.65$ and $.56$, respectively. The results are based on semidefinite programming and a subtle rounding method. Citation Working Paper, Department of Management Sciences, Henry, B. Tippie College of Business, The … Read more

A New Trust Region Technique for the Maximum Weight Clique Problem

A new simple generalization of the Motzkin-Straus theorem for the maximum weight clique problem is formulated and directly proved. Within this framework a new trust region heuristic is developed. In contrast to usual trust region methods, it regards not only the global optimum of a quadratic objective over a sphere, but also a set of … Read more


We introduce an anti-matroid as a family $\cal F$ of subsets of a ground set $E$ for which there exists an assignment of weights to the elements of $E$ such that the greedy algorithm to compute a maximal set (with respect to inclusion) in $\cal F$ of minimum weight finds, instead, the unique maximal set … Read more

Near-optimal solutions to large scale facility location problems

We investigate the solution of large scale instances of the capacitated and uncapacitated facility location problems. Let n be the number of customers and m the number of potential facility sites. For the uncapacitated case we solved instances of size m x n=3000 x 3000; for the capacitated case the largest instances were 1000 x … Read more