Scheduling on uniform nonsimultaneous parallel machines

We consider the problem of scheduling on uniform processors with nonsimultaneous machine available times with the purpose of mini\-mi\-zing the maximum completion time. We give a variant of the Multifit algorithm which generates schedules which end within $1.382$ times the optimal maximum completion times. This results from properties of the Multifit algorithm when used for … Read more

Near-Optimal Algorithms for Capacity Constrained Assortment Optimization

Assortment optimization is an important problem that arises in many practical applications such as retailing and online advertising. In an assortment optimization problem, the goal is to select a subset of items that maximizes the expected revenue in the presence of the substitution behavior of consumers specified by a choice model. In this paper, we … Read more

Analysis of MILP Techniques for the Pooling Problem

The $pq$-relaxation for the pooling problem can be constructed by applying McCormick envelopes for each of the bilinear terms appearing in the so-called $pq$-formulation of the pooling problem. This relaxation can be strengthened by using piecewise-linear functions that over- and under-estimate each bilinear term. The resulting relaxation can be written as a mixed integer linear … Read more

Incremental Network Design with Shortest Paths

We introduce a class of incremental network design problems focused on investigating the optimal choice and timing of network expansions. We concentrate on an incremental network design problem with shortest paths. We investigate structural properties of optimal solutions, we show that the simplest variant is NP-hard, we analyze the worst-case performance of natural greedy heuristics, … Read more

A Semidefinite Approach to the $ Cover Problem

We apply theta body relaxations to the $K_i$ cover problem and use this to show polynomial time solvability for certain classes of graphs. In particular, we give an effective relaxation where all $K_i$-$p$-hole facets are valid, addressing an open question of Conforti et al \cite{conforti}. For the triangle free problem, we show for $K_n$ that … Read more

Maximizing expected utility over a knapsack constraint

The expected utility knapsack problem is to pick a set of items whose values are described by random variables so as to maximize the expected utility of the total value of the items picked while satisfying a constraint on the total weight of items picked. We consider the following solution approach for this problem: (i) … Read more

On two relaxations of quadratically-constrained cardinality minimization

This paper considers a quadratically-constrained cardinality minimization problem with applications to digital filter design, subset selection for linear regression, and portfolio selection. Two relaxations are investigated: the continuous relaxation of a mixed integer formulation, and an optimized diagonal relaxation that exploits a simple special case of the problem. For the continuous relaxation, an absolute upper … Read more

Algorithms for the Cross-dock Door Assignment Problem

In a cross-dock facility, goods are moved by forklift from incoming truck platforms (strip doors) to temporary holding areas and then to outgoing truck platforms (stack doors) or directly from strip doors to stack doors. Costs within the cross-dock may be minimized by appropriate assignment of strip doors to incoming trucks and stack doors to … Read more

Moneyless strategy-proof mechanism on single-sinked policy domain: characterization and applications

We completely characterize deterministic strategy-proof and group strategy-proof mechanisms on single-sinked public policy domain. The single-sinked domain can be used to model any allocation problem where a single output must be chosen in an interval with the assumption that agents’ preferences have a single most loathful point (the sink) in the interval, and the preferences … Read more