Two properties of condition numbers for convex programs via implicitly defined barrier functions

We study two issues on condition numbers for convex programs: one has to do with the growth of the condition numbers of the linear equations arising in interior-point algorithms; the other deals with solving conic systems and estimating their distance to infeasibility. These two issues share a common ground: the key tool for their development … Read more

Generating Convex Polynomial Inequalities for Mixed 0-1 Programs

We develop a method for generating valid convex polynomial inequalities for mixed 0-1 convex programs. We also show how these inequalities can be generated in the linear case by defining cut generation problems using a projection cone. The basic results for quadratic inequalities are extended to generate convex polynomial inequalities. ArticleDownload View PDF

On implementing a primal-dual interior-point method for conic quadratic optimization

Conic quadratic optimization is the problem of minimizing a linear function subject to the intersection of an affine set and the product of quadratic cones. The problem is a convex optimization problem and has numerous applications in engineering, economics, and other areas of science. Indeed, linear and convex quadratic optimization is a special case. Conic … Read more

A bundle filter method for nonsmooth nonlinear optimization

We consider minimizing a nonsmooth objective subject to nonsmooth constraints. The nonsmooth functions are approximated by a bundle of subgradients. The novel idea of a filter is used to promote global convergence. CitationNA\195, Department of Mathematics, University of Dundee, UK, December, 1999ArticleDownload View PDF

On duality theory of conic linear problems

In this paper we discuss duality theory of optimization problems with a linear objective function and subject to linear constraints with cone inclusions, referred to as conic linear problems. We formulate the Lagrangian dual of a conic linear problem and survey some results based on the conjugate duality approach where the questions of “no duality … Read more