Improved bounds for the symmetric rendezvous search problem on the line

A notorious open problem in the field of rendezvous search is to decide the rendezvous value of the symmetric rendezvous search problem on the line, when the initial distance apart between the two players is 2. We show that the symmetric rendezvous value is within the interval (4.1520, 4.2574), which considerably improves the previous best … Read more

Existence of Equilibrium for Integer Allocation Problems

In this paper we show that if all agents are equipped with discrete concave production functions, then a feasible price allocation pair is a market equilibrium if and only if it solves a linear programming problem, similar to, but perhaps simpler than the one invoked in Yang (2001). Using this result, but assuming discrete concave … Read more

Convex Optimization of Centralized Inventory Operations

Given a finite set of outlets with joint normally distributed demands and identical holding and penalty costs, inventory centralization induces a cooperative cost allocation game with nonempty core. It is well known that for this newsvendor inventory setting the expected cost of centralization can be expressed as a constant multiple of the standard deviation of … Read more

A fictitious play approach to large-scale optimization

In this paper we investigate the properties of the sampled version of the fictitious play algorithm, familiar from game theory, for games with identical payoffs, and propose a heuristic based on fictitious play as a solution procedure for discrete optimization problems of the form $\max\{u(y):y=(y^1,\ldots,y^n)\in\setY^1\times\cdots\times\setY^n\}$, i.e., in which the feasible region is a Cartesian product … Read more

Envelope Theorems For Finite Choice Sets

This paper is concerned with the study of envelope theorems for finite choice sets. More specifically, we consider the problem of differentiability of the value function arising out of the maximization of a parametrized objective function, when the set of alternatives is non-empty and finite. The parameter is confined to the closed interval [0,1] and … Read more

Stable Matchings for A Generalized Marriage Problem

We show that a simple genralization of the Deferred Acceptance Procedure with men proposing due to Gale and Shapley(1962), yeilds outcomes for a generalized marriage problem, which are necessarily stable. We also show, that any outcome of this prcedure is Weakly Pareto Optimal for Men, i.e., there is no other outcome which all men prefer … Read more

Interior-Point Algorithms, Penalty Methods and Equilibrium Problems

In this paper we consider the question of solving equilibrium problems—formulated as complementarity problems and, more generally, mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints (MPEC’s)—as nonlinear programs, using an interior-point approach. These problems pose theoretical difficulties for nonlinear solvers, including interior-point methods. We examine the use of penalty methods to get around these difficulties, present an example … Read more