Adjustability in Robust Linear Optimization

We investigate the concept of adjustability — the difference in objective values between two types of dynamic robust optimization formulations: one where (static) decisions are made before uncertainty realization, and one where uncertainty is resolved before (adjustable) decisions. This difference reflects the value of information and decision timing in optimization under uncertainty, and is related … Read more

Convex Maximization via Adjustable Robust Optimization

Maximizing a convex function over convex constraints is an NP-hard problem in general. We prove that such a problem can be reformulated as an adjustable robust optimization (ARO) problem where each adjustable variable corresponds to a unique constraint of the original problem. We use ARO techniques to obtain approximate solutions to the convex maximization problem. … Read more

A Unified Framework for Adjustable Robust Optimization with Endogenous Uncertainty

This work proposes a framework for multistage adjustable robust optimization that unifies the treatment of three different types of endogenous uncertainty, where decisions, respectively, (i) alter the uncertainty set, (ii) affect the materialization of uncertain parameters, and (iii) determine the time when the true values of uncertain parameters are observed. We provide a systematic analysis … Read more

Adjustable robust treatment-length optimization in radiation therapy

Traditionally, optimization of radiation therapy (RT) treatment plans has been done before the initiation of RT course, using population-wide estimates for patients’ response to therapy. However, recent technological advancements have enabled monitoring individual patient response during the RT course, in the form of biomarkers. Although biomarker data remains subject to substantial uncertainties, information extracted from … Read more

Dual approach for two-stage robust nonlinear optimization

Adjustable robust minimization problems in which the adjustable variables appear in a convex way are difficult to solve. For example, if we substitute linear decision rules for the adjustable variables, then the model becomes convex in the uncertain parameters, whereas for computational tractability we need concavity in the uncertain parameters. In this paper we reformulate … Read more

Robust optimization for models with uncertain SOC and SDP constraints

In this paper we consider uncertain second-order cone (SOC) and semidefinite programming (SDP) constraints with polyhedral uncertainty, which are in general computationally intractable. We propose to reformulate an uncertain SOC or SDP constraint as a set of adjustable robust linear optimization constraints with an ellipsoidal or semidefinite representable uncertainty set, respectively. The resulting adjustable problem … Read more

When are static and adjustable robust optimization with constraint-wise uncertainty equivalent?

Adjustable Robust Optimization (ARO) yields, in general, better worst-case solutions than static Robust Optimization (RO). However, ARO is computationally more difficult than RO. In this paper, we derive conditions under which the worst-case objective values of ARO and RO problems are equal. We prove that if the uncertainty is constraint-wise and the adjustable variables lie … Read more

Data-driven learning in dynamic pricing using adaptive optimization

We consider the pricing problem faced by a retailer endowed with a finite inventory of a product offered over a finite planning horizon in an environment where customers are price-sensitive. The parameters of the product demand curve are fixed but unknown to the seller who only has at his disposal a history of sales data. … Read more

Adjustable robust optimization with decision rules based on inexact revealed data

Adjustable robust optimization (ARO) is a technique to solve dynamic (multistage) optimization problems. In ARO, the decision in each stage is a function of the information accumulated from the previous periods on the values of the uncertain parameters. This information, however, is often inaccurate; there is much evidence in the information management literature that even … Read more