Local Minimizers of the Crouzeix Ratio: A Nonsmooth Optimization Case Study

Given a square matrix $A$ and a polynomial $p$, the Crouzeix ratio is the norm of the polynomial on the field of values of $A$ divided by the 2-norm of the matrix $p(A)$. Crouzeix’s conjecture states that the globally minimal value of the Crouzeix ratio is 0.5, regardless of the matrix order and polynomial degree, … Read more

The structure of conservative gradient fields

The classical Clarke subdifferential alone is inadequate for understanding automatic differentiation in nonsmooth contexts. Instead, we can sometimes rely on enlarged generalized gradients called “conservative fields”, defined through the natural path-wise chain rule: one application is the convergence analysis of gradient-based deep learning algorithms. In the semi-algebraic case, we show that all conservative fields are … Read more

A Scalarization Proximal Point Method for Quasiconvex Multiobjective Minimization

In this paper we propose a scalarization proximal point method to solve multiobjective unconstrained minimization problems with locally Lipschitz and quasiconvex vector functions. We prove, under natural assumptions, that the sequence generated by the method is well defined and converges globally to a Pareto-Clarke critical point. Our method may be seen as an extension, for … Read more

An Inexact Proximal Method for Quasiconvex Minimization

In this paper we propose an inexact proximal point method to solve constrained minimization problems with locally Lipschitz quasiconvex objective functions. Assuming that the function is also bounded from below, lower semicontinuous and using proximal distances, we show that the sequence generated for the method converges to a stationary point of the problem. CitationJuly 2013ArticleDownload … Read more