Invariance conditions for nonlinear dynamical systems

Recently, Horv\’ath, Song, and Terlaky [\emph{A novel unified approach to invariance condition of dynamical system, submitted to Applied Mathematics and Computation}] proposed a novel unified approach to study, i.e., invariance conditions, sufficient and necessary conditions, under which some convex sets are invariant sets for linear dynamical systems. In this paper, by utilizing analogous methodology, we … Read more

Equivalence of Convex Problem Geometry and Computational Complexity in the Separation Oracle Model

Consider the following supposedly-simple problem: “compute x \in S” where S is a convex set conveyed by a separation oracle, with no further information (e.g., no bounding ball containing or intersecting S, etc.). Our interest in this problem stems from fundamental issues involving the interplay of computational complexity, the geometry of S, and the stability … Read more

Sufficient and Necessary Conditions for Semidefinite Representability of Convex Hulls and Sets

The article proves sufficient conditions and necessary conditions for SDP representability of convex sets and convex hulls by proposing a new approach to construct SDP representations. The contributions of this paper are: (i) For bounded SDP representable sets $W_1,\cdots,W_m$, we give an explicit construction of an SDP representation for $conv(\cup_{k=1}^mW_k)$. This provides a technique for … Read more