Distributionally Robust Optimization with Expected Constraints via Optimal Transport

We consider a stochastic program with expected value constraints. We analyze this problem in a general context via Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) approach using 1 or 2-Wasserstein metrics where the ambiguity set depends on the decision. We show that this approach can be reformulated as a finite-dimensional optimization problem, and, in some cases, this can … Read more

Penalized stochastic gradient methods for stochastic convex optimization with expectation constraints

Stochastic gradient method and its variants are simple yet effective for minimizing an expectation function over a closed convex set. However, none of these methods are applicable to solve stochastic programs with expectation constraints, since the projection onto the feasible set is prohibitive. To deal with the expectation constrained stochastic convex optimization problems, we propose … Read more

Convergence of stochastic average approximation for stochastic optimization problems with mixed expectation and per-scenario constraints

We present a framework for ensuring convergence of sample average approximations to stochastic optimization problems that include expectation constraints in addition to per-scenario constraints. CitationPreprint ANL/MCS 1562-1108ArticleDownload View PDF