Solving Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization Problems using Simultaneous Convexification – a Case Study for Gas Networks

Solving mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problems (MINLPs) to global optimality is extremely challenging. An important step for enabling their solution consists in the design of convex relaxations of the feasible set. Known solution approaches based on spatial branch-and-bound become more effective the tighter the used relaxations are. Relaxations are commonly established by convex underestimators, where each … Read more

An Interior-Point Method for Nonlinear Optimization Problems with Locatable and Separable Nonsmoothness

A lot of real-world optimization models comprise nonconvex and nonlinear as well as nonsmooth functions leading to very hard classes of optimization models. In this article a new interior-point method for the special but practically relevant class of optimization problems with locatable and separable nonsmooth aspects is presented. After motivating and formalizing the problems under … Read more