Projected-Search Methods for Bound-Constrained Optimization

Projected-search methods for bound-constrained minimization are based on performing a line search along a continuous piecewise-linear path obtained by projecting a search direction onto the feasible region. A potential benefit of a projected-search method is that many changes to the active set can be made at the cost of computing a single search direction. As … Read more

A Line-Search Algorithm Inspired by the Adaptive Cubic Regularization Framework and Complexity Analysis

Adaptive regularized framework using cubics has emerged as an alternative to line-search and trust-region algorithms for smooth nonconvex optimization, with an optimal complexity amongst second-order methods. In this paper, we propose and analyze the use of an iteration dependent scaled norm in the adaptive regularized framework using cubics. Within such scaled norm, the obtained method … Read more

Global convergence rate analysis of unconstrained optimization methods based on probabilistic models

We present global convergence rates for a line-search method which is based on random first-order models and directions whose quality is ensured only with certain probability. We show that in terms of the order of the accuracy, the evaluation complexity of such a method is the same as its counterparts that use deterministic accurate models; … Read more

A Quasi-Newton Algorithm for Nonconvex, Nonsmooth Optimization with Global Convergence Guarantees

A line search algorithm for minimizing nonconvex and/or nonsmooth objective functions is presented. The algorithm is a hybrid between a standard Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) and an adaptive gradient sampling (GS) method. The BFGS strategy is employed because it typically yields fast convergence to the vicinity of a stationary point, and together with the adaptive GS strategy … Read more

An Interior-Point Method for Nonlinear Optimization Problems with Locatable and Separable Nonsmoothness

A lot of real-world optimization models comprise nonconvex and nonlinear as well as nonsmooth functions leading to very hard classes of optimization models. In this article a new interior-point method for the special but practically relevant class of optimization problems with locatable and separable nonsmooth aspects is presented. After motivating and formalizing the problems under … Read more

A Sequential Quadratic Optimization Algorithm with Rapid Infeasibility Detection

We present a sequential quadratic optimization (SQO) algorithm for nonlinear constrained optimization. The method attains all of the strong global and fast local convergence guarantees of classical SQO methods, but has the important additional feature that fast local convergence is guaranteed when the algorithm is employed to solve infeasible instances. A two-phase strategy, carefully constructed … Read more

An Adaptive Gradient Sampling Algorithm for Nonsmooth Optimization

We present an algorithm for the minimization of f : Rn → R, assumed to be locally Lipschitz and continuously differentiable in an open dense subset D of Rn. The objective f may be non-smooth and/or non-convex. The method is based on the gradient sampling (GS) algorithm of Burke et al. [A robust gradient sampling … Read more

On the divergence of line search methods

We discuss the convergence of line search methods for minimization. We explain how Newton’s method and the BFGS method can fail even if the restrictions of the objective function to the search lines are strictly convex functions, the level sets of the objective functions are compact, the line searches are exact and the Wolfe conditions … Read more