Openness, Holder metric regularity and Holder continuity properties of semialgebraic set-valued maps

Given a semialgebraic set-valued map $F \colon \mathbb{R}^n \rightrightarrows \mathbb{R}^m$ with closed graph, we show that the map $F$ is Holder metrically subregular and that the following conditions are equivalent: (i) $F$ is an open map from its domain into its range and the range of $F$ is locally closed; (ii) the map $F$ is … Read more

Directional H”older metric subregularity and application to tangent cones

In this work, we study directional versions of the H\”olderian/Lipschitzian metric subregularity of multifunctions. Firstly, we establish variational characterizations of the H\”olderian/Lipschitzian directional metric subregularity by means of the strong slopes and next of mixed tangency-coderivative objects . By product, we give second-order conditions for the directional Lipschitzian metric subregularity and for the directional metric … Read more