Nonsymmetric potential-reduction methods for general cones

In this paper we propose two new nonsymmetric primal-dual potential-reduction methods for conic problems. Both methods are based on {\em primal-dual lifting}. This procedure allows to construct a strictly feasible primal-dual pair linked by an exact {\em scaling} relation even if the cones are not symmetric. It is important that all necessary elements of our … Read more

Corrector-predictor methods for sufficient linear complementarity problems in a wide neighborhood of the central path

Corrector-predictor methods for sufficient linear complementarity problems in a wide neighborhood of the central path CitationTechnical Report UMBC, TR2006-22, January 2005, Revised: March 2006.ArticleDownload View PDF

Erratum: Predictor-corrector methods for sufficient linear complementarity problems in a wide neighborhood of the central path,

We correct an error in Algorithms 4.1 and 4.8 from the paper with the same title that was published in Optimization Methods and Software, 20, 1 (2005), 145–168. Citationsubmitted to Optimization Methods and SoftwareArticleDownload View PDF

Erratum: A superlinearly convergent predictor-corrector method for degenerate LCP in a wide neighborhood of the central path with (\sqrt{n}L)hBciteration complexity

We correct an error in Algorithm 2 from the paper with the same name that was published in Mathematical Programming, Ser. A, 100, 2(2004), 317–337. Citationsubmitted to Mathematical ProgrammingArticleDownload View PDF

Constructing self-concordant barriers for convex cones

In this paper we develop a technique for constructing self-concordant barriers for convex cones. We start from a simple proof for a variant of standard result on transformation of a $\nu$-self-concordant barrier for a set into a self-concordant barrier for its conic hull with parameter $(3.08 \sqrt{\nu} + 3.57)^2$. Further, we develop a convenient composition … Read more

Towards nonsymmetric conic optimization

In this paper we propose a new interior-point method, which is based on an extension of the ideas of self-scaled optimization to the general cones. We suggest using the primal correction process to find a {\em scaling point}. This point is used to compute a strictly feasible primal-dual pair by simple projection. Then, we define … Read more

Corrector-predictor methods for monotone linear complementarity problems in a wide neighborhood of the central path

Two corrector-predictor interior point algorithms are proposed for solving mono\-tone linear complementarity problems. The algorithms produce a sequence of iterates in the $\caln_{\infty}^{-}$ neighborhood of the central path. The first algorithm uses line search schemes requiring the solution of higher order polynomial equations in one variable, while the line search procedures of the second algorithm … Read more

A local convergence property of primal-dual methods for nonlinear programming

We prove a new local convergence property of a primal-dual method for solving nonlinear optimization problem. Following a standard interior point approach, the complementarity conditions of the original primal-dual system are perturbed by a parameter which is driven to zero during the iterations. The sequence of iterates is generated by a linearization of the perturbed … Read more

Steplength Selection in Interior-Point Methods for Quadratic Programming

We present a new strategy for choosing primal and dual steplengths in a primal-dual interior-point algorithm for convex quadratic programming. Current implementations often scale steps equally to avoid increases in dual infeasibility between iterations. We propose that this method can be too conservative, while safeguarding an unequally-scaled steplength approach will often require fewer steps toward … Read more

An interior Newton-like method for nonnegative least-squares problems with degenerate solution

An interior point approach for medium and large nonnegative linear least-squares problems is proposed. Global and locally quadratic convergence is shown even if a degenerate solution is approached. Viable approaches for implementation are discussed and numerical results are provided. CitationTechnical Report 1/2005, Dipartimento di Energetica ‘S. Stecco’, Universita di Firenze, ItaliaArticleDownload View PDF