Bishop-Phelps cones given by an equation in Banach spaces

In this work, we study Bishop-Phelps cones (briefly, BP cones) given by an equation in Banach spaces. Due to the special form, these cones enjoy interesting properties. We show that nontrivial BP cones given by an equation form a “large family” in some sense in any Banach space and they can be used to characterize … Read more

Tight bounds on Lyapunov rank

The Lyapunov rank of a cone is the number of independent equations obtainable from an analogue of the complementary slackness condition in cone programming problems, and more equations are generally thought to be better. Bounding the Lyapunov rank of a proper cone in R^n from above is an open problem. Gowda and Tao gave an … Read more

On the symmetry of induced norm cones

Several authors have studied the problem of making an asymmetric cone symmetric through a change of inner product, and one set of positive results pertains to the class of elliptic cones. We demonstrate that the class of elliptic cones is equal to the class of induced-norm cones that arise through Jordan-isomorphism with the second-order cone, … Read more

Completely positive semidefinite rank

An $n\times n$ matrix $X$ is called completely positive semidefinite (cpsd) if there exist $d\times d$ Hermitian positive semidefinite {matrices} $\{P_i\}_{i=1}^n$ (for some $d\ge 1$) such that $X_{ij}= {\rm Tr}(P_iP_j),$ for all $i,j \in \{ 1, \ldots, n \}$. The cpsd-rank of a cpsd matrix is the smallest $d\ge 1$ for which such a representation … Read more