New efficient approach in finding a zero of a maximal monotone operator

In the paper, we provide a new efficient approach to find a zero of a maximal monotone operator under very mild assumptions. Using a regularization technique and the proximal point algorithm, we can construct a sequence that converges strongly to a solution with at least linear convergence rate. ArticleDownload View PDF

On the linear convergence of the forward-backward splitting algorithm

In this paper, we establish a linear convergence result for the forward-backward splitting algorithm in the finding a zero of the sum of two maximal monotone operators, where one of them is set-valued strongly monotone and the other is Lipschitz continuous. We show that our convergence rate is better than Douglas–Rachford splitting algorithm’s rate used … Read more

A Continuous Dynamical Newton-Like Approach to Solving Monotone Inclusions

We introduce non-autonomous continuous dynamical systems which are linked to Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt methods. They aim at solving inclusions governed by maximal monotone operators in Hilbert spaces. Relying on Minty representation of maximal monotone operators as lipschitzian manifolds, we show that these dynamics can be formulated as first-order in time differential systems, which are relevant … Read more

A Parallel Inertial Proximal Optimization Method

The Douglas-Rachford algorithm is a popular iterative method for finding a zero of a sum of two maximal monotone operators defined on a Hilbert space. In this paper, we propose an extension of this algorithm including inertia parameters and develop parallel versions to deal with the case of a sum of an arbitrary number of … Read more

Nonsmooth Lyapunov pairs for infinite-dimensional first-order differential inclusions

The main objective of this paper is to provide new explicit criteria to characterize weak lower semi-continuous Lyapunov pairs or functions associated to first-order differential inclusions in Hilbert spaces. These inclusions are governed by a Lipschitzian perturbation of a maximally monotone operator. The dual criteria we give are expressed by the means of the proximal … Read more