A Stabilised Scenario Decomposition Algorithm Applied to Stochastic Unit Commitment Problems

In recent years the expansion of energy supplies from volatile renewable sources has triggered an increased interest in stochastic optimization models for hydro-thermal unit commitment. Several studies have modelled this as a two-stage or multi-stage stochastic mixed-integer optimization problem. Solving such problems directly is computationally intractable for large instances, and alternative approaches are required. In … Read more

A doubly stabilized bundle method for nonsmooth convex optimization

We propose a bundle method for minimizing nonsmooth convex functions that combines both the level and the proximal stabilizations. Most bundle algorithms use a cutting-plane model of the objective function to formulate a subproblem whose solution gives the next iterate. Proximal bundle methods employ the model in the objective function of the subproblem, while level … Read more

Inexact Dynamic Bundle Methods

We give a proximal bundle method for minimizing a convex function $f$ over $\mathbb{R}_+^n$. It requires evaluating $f$ and its subgradients with a possibly unknown accuracy $\epsilon\ge0$, and maintains a set of free variables $I$ to simplify its prox subproblems. The method asymptotically finds points that are $\epsilon$-optimal. In Lagrangian relaxation of convex programs, it … Read more

Bundle Methods for Convex Minimization with Partially Inexact Oracles

Recently the proximal bundle method for minimizing a convex function has been extended to an inexact oracle that delivers function and subgradient values of unknown accuracy. We adapt this method to a partially inexact oracle that becomes exact only when an objective target level for a descent step is met. In Lagrangian relaxation, such oracles … Read more