Spectral bounds for the independence ratio and the chromatic number of an operator

We define the independence ratio and the chromatic number for bounded, self-adjoint operators on an L^2-space by extending the definitions for the adjacency matrix of finite graphs. In analogy to the Hoffman bounds for finite graphs, we give bounds for these parameters in terms of the numerical range of the operator. This provides a theoretical … Read more

Upper bounds for packings of spheres of several radii

We give theorems that can be used to upper bound the densities of packings of different spherical caps in the unit sphere and of translates of different convex bodies in Euclidean space. These theorems extend the linear programming bounds for packings of spherical caps and of convex bodies through the use of semidefinite programming. We … Read more

Grothendieck inequalities for semidefinite programs with rank constraint

Grothendieck inequalities are fundamental inequalities which are frequently used in many areas of mathematics and computer science. They can be interpreted as upper bounds for the integrality gap between two optimization problems: A difficult semidefinite program with rank-1 constraint and its easy semidefinite relaxation where the rank constrained is dropped. For instance, the integrality gap … Read more

Relaxations of combinatorial problems via association schemes

In this chapter we study a class of semidefinite programming relaxations of combinatorial problems. These relaxations are derived using the theory of coherent configurations in algebraic combinatorics. CitationDraft version of a chapter for “Handbook on SDP II” (M. Anjos and J. Lasserre, eds.), Springer.ArticleDownload View PDF

The positive semidefinite Grothendieck problem with rank constraint

Given a positive integer n and a positive semidefinite matrix A = (A_{ij}) of size m x m, the positive semidefinite Grothendieck problem with rank-n-constraint is (SDP_n) maximize \sum_{i=1}^m \sum_{j=1}^m A_{ij} x_i \cdot x_j, where x_1, …, x_m \in S^{n-1}. In this paper we design a polynomial time approximation algorithm for SDP_n achieving an approximation … Read more

Fourier analysis, linear programming, and densities of distance avoiding sets in R^n

In this paper we derive new upper bounds for the densities of measurable sets in R^n which avoid a finite set of prescribed distances. The new bounds come from the solution of a linear programming problem. We apply this method to obtain new upper bounds for measurable sets which avoid the unit distance in dimensions … Read more

Lower Bounds for Measurable Chromatic Numbers

The Lov\’asz theta function provides a lower bound for the chromatic number of finite graphs based on the solution of a semidefinite program. In this paper we generalize it so that it gives a lower bound for the measurable chromatic number of distance graphs on compact metric spaces. In particular we consider distance graphs on … Read more