Improved lower bounds for the 2-page crossing numbers of K(m,n) and K(n) via semidefinite programming

The crossing number of a graph is the minimal number of edge crossings achievable in a drawing of the graph in the plane. The crossing numbers of complete and complete bipartite graphs are long standing open questions. In a 2-page drawing of a graph, all vertices are drawn on a circle, and no edge may … Read more

On semidefinite programming relaxations of maximum k-section

We derive a new semidefinite programming bound for the maximum k-section problem. For k=2 (i.e. for maximum bisection), the new bound is least as strong as the well-known bound by Frieze and Jerrum [A. Frieze and M. Jerrum. Improved Approximation Algorithms for MAX k-CUT and MAX BISECTION. Algorithmica, 18(1): 67-81, 1997]. For k > 2 … Read more

Relaxations of combinatorial problems via association schemes

In this chapter we study a class of semidefinite programming relaxations of combinatorial problems. These relaxations are derived using the theory of coherent configurations in algebraic combinatorics. CitationDraft version of a chapter for “Handbook on SDP II” (M. Anjos and J. Lasserre, eds.), Springer.ArticleDownload View PDF

Numerical block diagonalization of matrix hBcalgebras with application to semidefinite programming

Semidefinite programming (SDP) is one of the most active areas in mathematical programming, due to varied applications and the availability of interior point algorithms. In this paper we propose a new pre-processing technique for SDP instances that exhibit algebraic symmetry. We present computational results to show that the solution times of certain SDP instances may … Read more

On semidefinite programming relaxations of the traveling salesman problem

We consider a new semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation of the symmetric traveling salesman problem (TSP), obtained via an SDP relaxation of the more general quadratic assignment problem (QAP). We show that the new relaxation dominates the one in the paper: [D. Cvetkovic, M. Cangalovic and V. Kovacevic-Vucic. Semidefinite Programming Methods for the Symmetric Traveling Salesman … Read more

Exploiting group symmetry in truss topology optimization

We consider semidefinite programming (SDP) formulations of certain truss topology optimization problems, where a lower bound is imposed on the fundamental frequency of vibration of the truss structure. These SDP formulations were introduced in: [M. Ohsaki, K. Fujisawa, N. Katoh and Y. Kanno, Semi-definite programming for topology optimization of trusses under multiple eigenvalue constraints, Comp. … Read more

On the Lovász theta-number of almost regular graphs with application to Erdös–Rényi graphs

We consider k-regular graphs with loops, and study the Lovász theta-numbers and Schrijver theta’-numbers of the graphs that result when the loop edges are removed. We show that the theta-number dominates a recent eigenvalue upper bound on the stability number due to Godsil and Newman [C.D. Godsil and M.W. Newman. Eigenvalue bounds for independent sets. … Read more

Reduction of symmetric semidefinite programs using the regular *-representation

We consider semidefinite programming problems on which a permutation group is acting. We describe a general technique to reduce the size of such problems, exploiting the symmetry. The technique is based on a low-order matrix *-representation of the commutant (centralizer ring) of the matrix algebra generated by the permutation matrices. We apply it to extending … Read more

A linear programming reformulation of the standard quadratic optimization problem

The problem of minimizing a quadratic form over the standard simplex is known as the standard quadratic optimization problem (SQO). It is NP-hard, and contains the maximum stable set problem in graphs as a special case. In this note we show that the SQO problem may be reformulated as an (exponentially sized) linear program. CitationCentER … Read more

Products of positive forms, linear matrix inequalities, and Hilbert 17-th problem for ternary forms

A form p on R^n (homogeneous n-variate polynomial) is called positive semidefinite (psd) if it is nonnegative on R^n. In other words, the zero vector is a global minimizer of p in this case. The famous 17th conjecture of Hilbert (later proven by Artin) is that a form p is psd if and only if … Read more