Tricks from the Trade for Large-Scale Markdown Pricing: Heuristic Cut Generation for Lagrangian Decomposition

In automated decision making processes in the online fashion industry, the ‘predict-then-optimize’ paradigm is frequently applied, particularly for markdown pricing strategies. This typically involves a mixed-integer optimization step, which is crucial for maximizing profit and merchandise volume. In practice, the size and complexity of the optimization problem is prohibitive for using off-the-shelf solvers for mixed … Read more

Branch-Cut-and-Propagate for the Maximum k-Colorable Subgraph Problem with Symmetry

Given an undirected graph and a positive integer k, the maximum k-colorable subgraph problem consists of selecting a k-colorable induced subgraph of maximum cardinality. The natural integer programming formulation for this problem exhibits two kinds of symmetry: arbitrarily permuting the color classes and/or applying a non-trivial graph automorphism gives equivalent solutions. It is well known … Read more

The Maximum k-Colorable Subgraph Problem and Orbitopes

Given an undirected node-weighted graph and a positive integer k, the maximum k-colorable subgraph probem is to select a k-colorable induced subgraph of largest weight. The natural integer programming formulation for this problem exhibits a high degree of symmetry which arises by permuting the color classes. It is well known that such symmetry has negative … Read more