A Toll-Setting Problem with Robust Wardrop Equilibrium Conditions Under Budgeted Uncertainty

We consider the problem of determining optimal tolls in a traffic network in which a toll-setting authority aims to maximize revenues and the users of the network act in the sense of Wardrop’s user equilibrium. The setting is modeled as a mathematical problem with equilibrium constraints and a mixed-integer, nonlinear, and nonconvex reformulation is presented … Read more

Tricks from the Trade for Large-Scale Markdown Pricing: Heuristic Cut Generation for Lagrangian Decomposition

In automated decision making processes in the online fashion industry, the ‘predict-then-optimize’ paradigm is frequently applied, particularly for markdown pricing strategies. This typically involves a mixed-integer optimization step, which is crucial for maximizing profit and merchandise volume. In practice, the size and complexity of the optimization problem is prohibitive for using off-the-shelf solvers for mixed … Read more

Randomized Robust Price Optimization

The robust multi-product pricing problem is to determine the prices of a collection of products so as to maximize the worst-case revenue, where the worst case is taken over an uncertainty set of demand models that the firm expects could be realized in practice. A tacit assumption in this approach is that the pricing decision … Read more

Pricing and Demand Management for Integrated Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery Systems

We study a system in which a common delivery fleet provides service to both same-day delivery (SDD) and next-day delivery (NDD) orders placed by e-retail customers who are sensitive to delivery prices. We develop a model of the system and optimize with respect to two separate objectives. First, empirical research suggests that fulfilling e-retail orders … Read more

Copositive Duality for Discrete Energy Markets

Optimization problems with discrete decisions are nonconvex and thus lack strong duality, which limits the usefulness of tools such as shadow prices. It was shown in Burer (2009) that mixed-binary quadratic programs can be written as completely positive programs, which are convex. Completely positive reformulations of discrete optimization problems therefore have strong duality if a … Read more

Integrated Pricing and Routing on a Network

We consider an integrated pricing and routing problem on a network. The problem is motivated by applications in freight transportation such as package delivery and less-than-truckload shipping services. The decision maker sets a price for each origin-destination pair of the network, which determines the demand flow that needs to be served. The flows are then … Read more

Joint Pricing and Production: A Fusion of Machine Learning and Robust Optimization

We integrate machine learning with distributionally robust optimization to address a two-period problem for the joint pricing and production of multiple items. First, we generalize the additive demand model to capture both cross-product and cross-period effects as well as the demand dependence across periods. Next, we apply K-means clustering to the demand residual mapping based … Read more

Branch-and-cut-and-price for the Cardinality-constrained Multi-cycle Problem in Kidney Exchange

The establishment of kidney exchange programs has dramatically improved rates for kidney transplants by matching donors to compatible patients who would otherwise fail to receive a kidney for transplant. Rather than simply swapping kidneys between two patient-donor pairs, having multiple patient-donors pairs simultaneously donate kidneys in a cyclic manner enables all participants to receive a … Read more

Optimal Design of Retailer-Prosumer Electricity Tariffs Using Bilevel Optimization

We compare various flexible tariffs that have been proposed to cost-effectively govern a prosumer’s electricity management – in particular time-of-use (TOU), critical-peak-pricing (CPP), and a real-time-pricing tariff (RTP). As the outside option, we consider a fixed-price tariff (FP) that restricts the specific characteristics of TOU, CPP, and RTP, so that the flexible tariffs are at … Read more

Pricing for Delivery Time Flexibility

We study a variant of the multi-period vehicle routing problem, in which a service provider offers a discount to customer in exchange for delivery flexibility. We establish theoretical properties and empirical insights regarding the intricate and complex relation between the benefit from additional delivery flexibility, the discounts offered to customers to gain additional delivery flexibility, … Read more