A constraint programming model and a hybrid iterated local search algorithm for solving an aircraft recovery problem in the oil and gas industry

In this paper, we address a challenging problem faced by a Brazilian oil and gas company regarding the rescheduling of helicopter flights from an onshore airport to maritime units, crucial for transporting company employees. The problem arises due to unforeseen events like bad weather or mechanical failures, leading to delays or postponements in the original … Read more

Exact and heuristic approaches to reschedule helicopter flights for personnel transportation in the oil industry

This paper addresses a real-life short-term rescheduling problem of helicopter flights from one onshore airport to several maritime units in the context of the oil industry. This is a complex and challenging problem to solve because of the particular characteristics observed in practice, such as pending flights transferred from previous days with different recovering priorities, … Read more

An Integer L-shaped algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time windows and stochastic demands

This paper addresses the vehicle routing problem with time windows and stochastic demands (VRPTWSD). The problem is modeled as a two-stage stochastic program with recourse, in which routes are designed in the first stage and executed in the second. A failure occurs if the load of the vehicle is insufficient to meet the observed demand … Read more

Exact approaches to the robust vehicle routing problem with time windows and multiple deliverymen

This paper addresses the vehicle routing problem with time windows and multiple deliverymen (VRPTWMD) under uncertain demand as well as uncertain travel and service times. This variant is faced by logistics companies that deliver products to retailers located in congested urban areas, where service times are relatively long compared to travel times. In addition to … Read more

A Robust Optimization Approach for the Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem

In this paper, we address the Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem (UPMSP) with sequence- and machine-dependent setup times and job due-date constraints. Different uncertainties are typically involved in real-world production planning and scheduling problems. If ignored, they can lead to suboptimal or even infeasible schedules. To avoid this, we present two new robust optimization models … Read more

The robust vehicle routing problem with time windows: compact formulation and branch-price-and-cut method

We address the robust vehicle routing problem with time windows (RVRPTW) under customer demand and travel time uncertainties. As presented thus far in the literature, robust counterparts of standard formulations have challenged general-purpose optimization solvers and specialized branch-and-cut methods. Hence, optimal solutions have been reported for small-scale instances only. Additionally, although the most successful methods … Read more

Robust Optimization for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Deliverymen

This paper studies the vehicle routing problem with time windows and multiple deliverymen in which customer demands are uncertain and belong to a predetermined polytope. In addition to the routing decisions, this problem aims to define the number of deliverymen used to provide the service to the customers on each route. A new mathematical formulation … Read more

An Improved Stochastic Optimization Model for Water Supply Pumping Systems in Urban Networks

This study investigates a pump scheduling problem for the collection, transfer and storage of water in water supply systems in urban networks. The objective of this study is to determine a method to minimize the electricity costs associated with pumping operations. To address the dynamic and random nature of water demand, we propose a two-stage … Read more