Hybrid iterated local search algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with lockers

In the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) with Lockers, the vertices in a graph are divided into two key subsets: a customer set and a locker set, with lockers serving as alternative delivery points for the customer’s parcel. This paper presents a generic VRP with lockers, where a customer’s parcel can be delivered either to its … Read more

Heuristic approaches for split delivery vehicle routing problems

We propose a matheuristic approach to solve split delivery variants of the vehicle routing problem (VRP). The proposed method is based on the use of several mathematical programming components within an Iterated Local Search metaheuristic framework. In addition to well-known VRP local search heuristics, we include new types of improvement and perturbation strategies that are … Read more

Pattern-based models and a cooperative parallel metaheuristic for high school timetabling problems

High school timetabling problems consist in building periodic timetables for class-teacher meetings considering compulsory and non-compulsory requisites. This family of problems has been widely studied since the 1950s, mostly via mixed-integer programming and metaheuristic techniques. However, the efficient obtention of optimal or near-optimal solutions is still a challenge for many problems of practical size. In … Read more

A cluster-first route-second approach for the Swap Body Vehicle Routing Problem

The Swap Body Vehicle Routing Problem (SB-VRP) is a generalization of the classical Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) where a particular structure as well as several operational aspects for the trucks composing the fleet are considered. This research has been motivated by the VeRoLog Solver Challenge 2014, organized together by VeRoLog and PTV group, aiming to … Read more

Solving the High School Timetabling Problem to optimality by using ILS algorithms

The high school timetabling is a classical problem and has many combinatorial variations. It is NP-Complete and since the use of exact methods for this problem is restricted, heuristics are usually employed. This paper applies three Iterated Local Search (ILS) algorithms which includes two newly proposed neighborhood operators to heuristically solve a benchmark of the … Read more

A heuristic approach for packing rectangles in convex regions.

In this paper we propose a heuristic approach for the problem of packing equal rectangles within a convex region. The approach is based on an Iterated Local Search scheme (or, using a terminology employed for continuous problems, a Monotonic Basin Hopping), in which the key step is the perturbation move. Different perturbation moves, both combinatorial … Read more

Fast Neighborhood Search For The Single Machine Earliness-Tardiness Scheduling Problem

This paper addresses the one machine scheduling problem in which $n$ jobs have distinct due dates with earliness and tardiness costs. Fast neighborhoods are proposed for the problem. They are based on a block representation of the schedule and can be computed in $O(n^2)$. A timing operator is presented as well as swap and extract-and-reinsert … Read more

Fast Local Search for the Maximum Independent Set Problem

Given a graph G = (V,E), the independent set problem is that of finding a maximum-cardinality subset S of V such that no two vertices in S are adjacent. We introduce two fast local search routines for this problem. The first can determine in linear time whether a maximal solution can be improved by replacing … Read more

Hybrid heuristics for the permutation flow shop problem

The Flow Shop Problem (FSP) is known to be NP-hard when more than three machines are considered. Thus, for non-trivial size problem instances, heuristics are needed to find good orderings. We consider the permutation case of this problem. For this case, denoted by F|prmu|Cmax, the sequence of jobs has to remain the same at each … Read more

Heuristics for the mirrored traveling tournament problem

Professional sports leagues are a major economic activity around the world. Teams and leagues do not want to waste their investments in players and structure in consequence of poor schedules of games.Game scheduling is a difficult task, involving several decision makers, different types of constraints, and multiple objectives to optimize. The Traveling Tournament Problem abstracts … Read more