Relay-Hub Network Design for Consolidation Planning Under Demand Variability

Problem description: We study the problem of designing large-scale resilient relay logistics hub networks. We propose a model of Capacitated Relay Network Design under Stochastic Demand and Consolidation-Based Routing (CRND-SDCR), which aims to improve a network’s efficiency and resilience against commodity demand variability through integrating tactical decisions. Methodology: We formulate CRND-SDCR as a two-stage stochastic … Read more

Resilient Relay Logistics Network Design: A k-Shortest Path Approach

Problem definition: We study the problem of designing large-scale resilient relay logistics hub networks. We propose a model of k-Shortest Path Network Design, which aims to improve a network’s efficiency and resilience through its topological configuration, by locating relay logistics hubs to connect each origin-destination pair with k paths of minimum lengths, weighted by their … Read more

Integrating Order-to-Delivery Time Sensitivity in E-Commerce Middle-Mile Consolidation Network Design

This paper proposes an approach that leverages data on customer purchasing sensitivity to quoted order-to-delivery times (ODTs) when designing middle-mile consolidation networks to maximize the profit of e-commerce retailers. Our approach integrates quoted ODT-dependent sales volume predictions into a new mixed-integer program (MIP) that simultaneously determines ODT quotes and a consolidation plan, characterized by the … Read more

Lead-Time-Constrained Middle-Mile Consolidation Network Design with Fixed Origins and Destinations

Many large e-commerce retailers move sufficient freight volumes to operate private middle-mile consolidation networks for order fulfillment, transporting customer shipments from stocking locations to last-mile delivery partners in consolidated loads to reduce freight costs. We study a middle-mile network design optimization problem with fixed origins and destinations to build load consolidation plans that minimize cost … Read more