On Semidefinite Programming Relaxations for the Satisfiability Problem

This paper is concerned with the analysis and comparison of semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations for the satisfiability (SAT) problem. Our presentation is focussed on the special case of 3-SAT, but the ideas presented can in principle be extended to any instance of SAT specified by a set of boolean variables and a propositional formula in … Read more

Maximising Revenue in the Airline Industry Under One-Way Pricing

This paper describes a methodology that has been implemented in a major British airline to find the optimal price to charge for airline tickets under one-way pricing. An analytical model has been developed to describe the buying behaviour of customers for flights over the selling period. Using this model and a standard analytical method for … Read more

An Improved Semidefinite Programming Relaxation for the Satisfiability Problem

The satisfiability (SAT) problem is a central problem in mathematical logic, computing theory, and artificial intelligence. An instance of SAT is specified by a set of boolean variables and a propositional formula in conjunctive normal form. Given such an instance, the SAT problem asks whether there is a truth assignment to the variables such that … Read more

A New Mathematical-Programming Framework for Facility-Layout Design

We present a new framework for efficiently finding competitive solutions for the facility-layout problem. This framework is based on the combination of two new mathematical-programming models. The first model is a relaxation of the layout problem and is intended to find good starting points for the iterative algorithm used to solve the second model. The … Read more

Geometry of Semidefinite Max-Cut Relaxations via Ranks

Semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations are proving to be a powerful tool for finding tight bounds for hard discrete optimization problems. This is especially true for one of the easier NP-hard problems, the Max-Cut problem (MC). The well-known SDP relaxation for Max-Cut, here denoted SDP1, can be derived by a first lifting into matrix space and … Read more

An Attractor-Repeller Approach to Floorplanning

The floorplanning (or facility layout) problem consists in finding the optimal positions for a given set of modules of fixed area (but perhaps varying dimensions) within a facility such that the distances between pairs of modules that have a positive connection cost are minimized. This is a hard discrete optimization problem; even the restricted version … Read more

Strengthened Semidefinite Relaxations via a Second Lifting for the Max-Cut Problem

In this paper we study two strengthened semidefinite programming relaxations for the Max-Cut problem. Our results hold for every instance of Max-Cut; in particular, we make no assumptions about the edge weights. We prove that the first relaxation provides a strengthening of the Goemans-Williamson relaxation. The second relaxation is a further tightening of the first … Read more