Stopping rules and backward error analysis for bound-constrained optimization

Termination criteria for the iterative solution of bound-constrained optimization problems are examined in the light of backward error analysis. It is shown that the problem of determining a suitable perturbation on the problem’s data corresponding to the definition of the backward error is analytically solvable under mild assumptions. Moreover, a link between existing termination criteria … Read more

On a class of limited memory preconditioners for large scale linear systems with multiple right-hand sides

This work is concerned with the development and study of a class of limited memory preconditioners for the solution of sequences of linear systems. To this aim, we consider linear systems with the same symmetric positive definite matrix and multiple right-hand sides available in sequence. We first propose a general class of preconditioners, called Limited … Read more

Numerical Experience with a Recursive Trust-Region Method for Multilevel Nonlinear Optimization

We consider an implementation of the recursive multilevel trust-region algorithm proposed by Gratton, Mouffe, Toint, Weber (2008) for bound-constrained nonlinear problems, and provide numerical experience on multilevel test problems. A suitable choice of the algorithm’s parameters is identified on these problems, yielding a satisfactory compromise between reliability and efficiency. The resulting default algorithm is then … Read more

Multi-Secant Equations, Approximate Invariant Subspaces and Multigrid Optimization

New approximate secant equations are shown to result from the knowledge of (problem dependent) invariant subspace information, which in turn suggests improvements in quasi-Newton methods for unconstrained minimization. It is also shown that this type of information may often be extracted from the multigrid structure of discretized infinite dimensional problems. A new limited-memory BFGS using … Read more

A recursive trust-region method in infinity norm for bound-constrained nonlinear optimization

A recursive trust-region method is introduced for the solution of bound-constrained nonlinear nonconvex optimization problems for which a hierarchy of descriptions exists. Typical cases are infinite-dimensional problems for which the levels of the hierarchy correspond to discretization levels, from coarse to fine. The new method uses the infinity norm to define the shape of the … Read more

Numerical Experience with a Recursive Trust-Region Method for Multilevel Nonlinear Optimization

We consider an implementation of the recursive multilevel trust-region algorithm proposed by Gratton, Sartenaer, Toint (2004), and provide significant numerical experience on multilevel test problems. A suitable choice of the algorithm’s parameters is identified on these problems, yielding a very satisfactory compromise between reliability and efficiency. The resulting default algorithm is then compared to alternative … Read more

Second-order convergence properties of trust-region methods using incomplete curvature information, with an application to multigrid optimization

Convergence properties of trust-region methods for unconstrained nonconvex optimization is considered in the case where information on the objective function’s local curvature is incomplete, in the sense that it may be restricted to a fixed set of “test directions” and may not be available at every iteration. It is shown that convergence to local “weak” … Read more

Recursive Trust-Region Methods for Multilevel Nonlinear Optimization (Part I): Global Convergence and Complexity

A class of trust-region methods is presented for solving unconstrained nonlinear and possibly nonconvex discretized optimization problems, like those arising in systems governed by partial differential equations. The algorithms in this class make use of the discretization level as a mean of speeding up the computation of the step. This use is recursive, leading to … Read more