Lot Sizing with Inventory Bounds and Fixed Costs: Polyhedral Study and Computation

We investigate the polyhedral structure of the lot-sizing problem with inventory bounds. We consider two models, one with linear costs on inventory, the other with linear and fixed costs on inventory. For both models, we identify facet-defining inequalities that make use of the inventory capacities explicitly and give exact separation algorithms. We also give a … Read more

A hybrid genetic algorithm for manufacturing cell formation

Cellular manufacturing emerged as a production strategy capable of solving the problems of complexity and long manufacturing lead times in batch production. The fundamental problem in cellular manufacturing is the formation of product families and machine cells. This paper presents a new approach for obtaining machine cells and product families. The approach combines a local … Read more

Near-optimal solutions of large-scale Single Machine Scheduling Problems

We present a lagrangean heuristic based on the time-indexed formulation of the Single Machine Scheduling Problem with Release Dates. We observe that lagrangian relaxation of job constraints leads to a Weighted Stable Set problem on an Interval Graph. The problem is polynomially solvable by a dynamic programming algorithm. Computational experience is reported on instances up … Read more

A 1.52-Approximation Algorithm for the Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem

In this note we present an improved approximation algorithm for the (uncapacitated) metric facility location problem. This algorithm uses the idea of cost scaling, the greedy algorithm of \cite{JMS}, and the greedy augmentation procedure of \cite{CG,GK}. CitationWorking Paper, MIT and the University of IowaArticleDownload View PDF

Disruption Management – Operations Research between planning and execution

For a large number of applications Operations Research has a proven track record: it can deliver high quality solutions for planning problems. Important examples can be found in the airline industry, logistics and production management. This report will describe real-world examples of a novel way of applying Operations Research: As plans have to be adjusted … Read more

The Steinberg Wiring Problem

In 1961 Leon Steinberg formulated a “backboard wiring” problem that has resisted solution for 40 years. Steinberg’s wiring problem is to determine the locations of 34 computer components on a 4 by 9 grid so as to minimize the total length of the wiring required to interconnect them. The problem is an example of a … Read more

An Inventory-Location Model: Formulation, Solution Algorithm and Computational Results

We introduce a new distribution center (DC) location model that incorporates working inventory and safety stock inventory costs at the distribution centers. In addition, the model incorporates transport costs from the suppliers to the DCs that explicitly reflect economies of scale through the use of a fixed cost term. The model is formulated as a … Read more

A Multi-stage Stochastic Integer Programming Approach for Capacity Expansion under Uncertainty

This paper addresses a multi-period investment model for capacity expansion in an uncertain environment. Using a scenario tree approach to model the evolution of uncertain demand and cost parameters, and fixed-charge cost functions to model the economies of scale in expansion costs, we develop a multi-stage stochastic integer programming formulation for the problem. A reformulation … Read more

Optimal location of intermodal freight hubs

Attempts at reducing the externalities of freight transport in Europe are generally focused on the incorporation of a more significant use of rail into freight itineraries. One new scenario for increasing the share of rail in intermodal transport involves the development of a dedicated subnetwork of freight rail lines. Within this European Union project, the … Read more