Symmetry-exploiting cuts for a class of mixed-0/1 second order cone programs

We will analyze mixed 0/1 second order cone programs where the fractional and binary variables are solely coupled via the conic constraints. For this special type of mixed-integer second order cone programs we devise a cutting-plane framework based on the generalized Benders cut and an implicit Sherali-Adams reformulation. We show that the resulting cuts are … Read more

A probabilistic comparison of split and type 1 triangle cuts for two row mixed-integer programs

We provide a probabilistic comparison of split and type 1 triangle cuts for mixed-integer programs with two rows and two integer variables. Under a simple probabilistic model of the problem parameters, we show that a simple split cut, i.e. a Gomory cut, is more likely to be better than a type 1 triangle cut in … Read more

On Maximal S-free Convex Sets

Let S be a subset of integer points that satisfy the property that $conv(S) \cap Z^n = S$. Then a convex set K is called an S-free convex set if $int(K) \cap S = \emptyset$. A maximal S-free convex set is an S-free convex set that is not properly contained in any S-free convex set. … Read more

The Chvatal-Gomory Closure of a Strictly Convex Body

In this paper, we prove that the Chvatal-Gomory closure of a set obtained as an intersection of a strictly convex body and a rational polyhedron is a polyhedron. Thus, we generalize a result of Schrijver which shows that the Chvatal-Gomory closure of a rational polyhedron is a polyhedron. Article Download View The Chvatal-Gomory Closure of … Read more

Two dimensional lattice-free cuts and asymmetric disjunctions for mixed-integer polyhedra

In this paper, we study the relationship between {\em 2D lattice-free cuts}, the family of cuts obtained by taking two-row relaxations of a mixed-integer program (MIP) and applying intersection cuts based on maximal lattice-free sets in $\R^2$, and various types of disjunctions. Recently, Li and Richard (2007) studied disjunctive cuts obtained from $t$-branch split disjunctions … Read more

The Mcf-Separator – Detecting and Exploiting Multi-Commodity Flow Structures in MIPs

Given a general mixed integer program (MIP), we automatically detect block structures in the constraint matrix together with the coupling by capacity constraints arising from multi-commodity flow formulations. We identify the underlying graph and generate cutting planes based on cuts in the detected network. Our implementation adds a separator to the branch-and-cut libraries of Scip … Read more

Clique-based facets for the precedence constrained knapsack problem

We consider a knapsack problem with precedence constraints imposed on pairs of items, known as the precedence constrained knapsack problem (PCKP). This problem has applications in manufacturing and mining, and also appears as a subproblem in decomposition techniques for network design and related problems. We present a new approach for determining facets of the PCKP … Read more

A heuristic to generate rank-1 GMI cuts

Gomory mixed-integer (GMI) cuts are among the most effective cutting planes for general mixed-integer programs (MIP). They are traditionally generated from an optimal basis of a linear programming (LP) relaxation of an MIP. In this paper we propose a heuristic to generate useful GMI cuts from additional bases of the initial LP relaxation. The cuts … Read more

Finite Disjunctive Programming Characterizations for General Mixed-Integer Linear Programs

In this paper, we give a finite disjunctive programming procedure to obtain the convex hull of general mixed-integer linear programs (MILP) with bounded integer variables. We propose a finitely convergent convex hull tree algorithm which constructs a linear program that has the same optimal solution as the associated MILP. In addition, we combine the standard … Read more

On the connection of the Sherali-Adams closure and border bases

The Sherali-Adams lift-and-project hierarchy is a fundamental construct in integer programming, which provides successively tighter linear programming relaxations of the integer hull of a polytope. We initiate a new approach to understanding the Sherali-Adams procedure by relating it to methods from computational algebraic geometry. Our main result is a refinement of the Sherali-Adams procedure that … Read more