Unifying restart accelerated gradient and proximal bundle methods

This paper presents a novel restarted version of Nesterov’s accelerated gradient method and establishes its optimal iteration-complexity for solving convex smooth composite optimization problems. The proposed restart accelerated gradient method is shown to be a specific instance of the accelerated inexact proximal point framework introduced in “An accelerated hybrid proximal extragradient method for convex optimization … Read more

Accelerated Bregman Proximal Gradient Methods for Relatively Smooth Convex Optimization

We consider the problem of minimizing the sum of two convex functions: one is differentiable and relatively smooth with respect to a reference convex function, and the other can be nondifferentiable but simple to optimize. The relatively smooth condition is much weaker than the standard assumption of uniform Lipschitz continuity of the gradients, thus significantly … Read more

An optimal first order method based on optimal quadratic averaging

In a recent paper, Bubeck, Lee, and Singh introduced a new first order method for minimizing smooth strongly convex functions. Their geometric descent algorithm, largely inspired by the ellipsoid method, enjoys the optimal linear rate of convergence. Motivated by their work, we propose a close variant that iteratively maintains a quadratic global under-estimator of the … Read more

An accelerated non-Euclidean hybrid proximal extragradient-type Algorithm for convex-concave saddle-point Problems

This paper describes an accelerated HPE-type method based on general Bregman distances for solving monotone saddle-point (SP) problems. The algorithm is a special instance of a non-Euclidean hybrid proximal extragradient framework introduced by Svaiter and Solodov [28] where the prox sub-inclusions are solved using an accelerated gradient method. It generalizes the accelerated HPE algorithm presented … Read more

An Accelerated Proximal Coordinate Gradient Method and its Application to Regularized Empirical Risk Minimization

We consider the problem of minimizing the sum of two convex functions: one is smooth and given by a gradient oracle, and the other is separable over blocks of coordinates and has a simple known structure over each block. We develop an accelerated randomized proximal coordinate gradient (APCG) method for minimizing such convex composite functions. … Read more

An adaptive accelerated proximal gradient method and its homotopy continuation for sparse optimization

We consider optimization problems with an objective function that is the sum of two convex terms: one is smooth and given by a black-box oracle, and the other is general but with a simple, known structure. We first present an accelerated proximal gradient (APG) method for problems where the smooth part of the objective function … Read more

Dual Averaging Methods for Regularized Stochastic Learning and Online Optimization

We consider regularized stochastic learning and online optimization problems, where the objective function is the sum of two convex terms: one is the loss function of the learning task, and the other is a simple regularization term such as $\ell_1$-norm for promoting sparsity. We develop extensions of Nesterov’s dual averaging method, that can exploit the … Read more