Knapsack Polytopes – A Survey

The 0/1 knapsack polytope is the convex hull of all 0/1 vectors that satisfy a given single linear inequality with non-negative coefficients. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of knapsack polytopes. We discuss basic polyhedral properties, (lifted) cover and other valid inequalities, cases for which complete linear descriptions are known, geometric properties for small dimensions, … Read more

Packing, Partitioning, and Covering Symresacks

In this paper, we consider symmetric binary programs that contain set packing, partitioning, or covering inequalities. To handle symmetries as well as set packing, partitioning, or covering constraints simultaneously, we introduce constrained symresacks which are the convex hull of all binary points that are lexicographically not smaller than their image w.r.t. a coordinate permutation and … Read more

A Polyhedral Investigation of Star Colorings

Given a weighted undirected graph~$G$ and a nonnegative integer~$k$, the maximum~$k$-star colorable subgraph problem consists of finding an induced subgraph of~$G$ which has maximum weight and can be star colored with at most~$k$ colors; a star coloring does not color adjacent nodes with the same color and avoids coloring any 4-path with exactly two colors. … Read more