The Meal Delivery Routing Problem

We introduce the Meal Delivery Routing Problem (MDRP) to formalize and study an important emerging class of dynamic delivery operations. We develop optimization-based algorithms tailored to solve the courier assignment (dynamic vehicle routing) and capacity management (offline shift scheduling) problems encountered in meal delivery operations. Extensive computational experiments using instances with realistic size, geography, urgency … Read more

Ship Traffic Optimization for the Kiel Canal

We introduce, discuss, and solve a hard practical optimization problem which we call the ship traffic control problem (STCP). Since we plan bi-directional traffic, STCP relates to, and in fact generalizes train timetabling on single-track networks. The objective of finding quickest routes motivates the integration of recent algorithmic ideas from dynamic collision-free routing of automated … Read more

Efficient approaches for the robust network loading problem

We consider the Robust Network Loading problem with splittable flows and demands that belong to the budgeted uncertainty set. We compare the optimal solution cost and computational cost of the problem when using static routing, volume routing, affine routing, and dynamic routing. For the first three routing types, we compare the compact formulation with a … Read more