Nonlinear Distributionally Robust Optimization

This article focuses on a class of distributionally robust optimization (DRO) problems where, unlike the growing body of the literature, the objective function is potentially non-linear in the distribution. Existing methods to optimize nonlinear functions in probability space use the Frechet derivatives, which present both theoretical and computational challenges. Motivated by this, we propose an … Read more

A remark on the lower semicontinuity assumption in the Ekeland variational principle

What happens to the conclusion of the Ekeland variational principle (briefly, EVP) if a considered function $f:X\to \R\cup\{+\infty\}$ is lower semicontinuous not on a whole metric space $X$ but only on its domain? We provide a straightforward proof showing that it still holds but only for $\epsilon $ varying in some interval $]0,\beta-\inf_Xf[$, where $\beta$ … Read more

On Differentiability Properties of Player Convex Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems

This article studies differentiability properties for a reformulation of a player convex generalized Nash equilibrium problem as a constrained and possibly nonsmooth minimization problem. By using several results from parametric optimization we show that, apart from exceptional cases, all locally minimal points of the reformulation are differentiability points of the objective function. This justifies a … Read more