A low-rank augmented Lagrangian method for large-scale semidefinite programming based on a hybrid convex-nonconvex approach

This paper introduces HALLaR, a new first-order method for solving large-scale semidefinite programs (SDPs) with bounded domain. HALLaR is an inexact augmented Lagrangian (AL) method where the AL subproblems are solved by a novel hybrid low-rank (HLR) method. The recipe behind HLR is based on two key ingredients: 1) an adaptive inexact proximal point method … Read more

Inexact and accelerated proximal point algorithms

We present inexact accelerated proximal point algorithms for minimizing a proper lower semicon- tinuous and convex function. We carry on a convergence analysis under different types of errors in the evaluation of the proximity operator, and we provide corresponding convergence rates for the objective function values. The proof relies on a generalization of the strategy … Read more