On Coupling Constraints in Pessimistic Linear Bilevel Optimization

The literature on pessimistic bilevel optimization with coupling constraints is rather scarce and it has been common sense that these problems are harder to tackle than pessimistic bilevel problems without coupling constraints. In this note, we show that this is not the case. To this end, given a pessimistic problem with coupling constraints, we derive … Read more

Relaxation methods for pessimistic bilevel optimization

We consider a smooth pessimistic bilevel optimization problem, where the lower-level problem is convex and satisfies the Slater constraint qualification. These assumptions ensure that the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) reformulation of our problem is well-defined. We then introduce and study the (i) Scholtes, (ii) Lin and Fukushima, (iii) Kadrani, Dussault and Benchakroun, (iv) Steffensen and Ulbrich, and … Read more

Pessimistic bilevel optimization approach for decision-focused learning

The recent interest in contextual optimization problems, where randomness is associated with side information, has led to two primary strategies for formulation and solution. The first, estimate-then-optimize, separates the estimation of the problem’s parameters from the optimization process. The second, decision-focused optimization, integrates the optimization problem’s structure directly into the prediction procedure. In this work, … Read more

Pessimistic bilevel linear optimization

In this paper, we investigate the pessimistic bilevel linear optimization problem (PBLOP). Based on the lower level optimal value function and duality, the PBLOP can be transformed to a single-level while nonconvex and nonsmooth optimization problem. By use of linear optimization duality, we obtain a tractable and equivalent transformation and propose algorithms for computing global … Read more