Mathematical Programs with Cardinality Constraints: Reformulation by Complementarity-type Constraints and a Regularization Method

Optimization problems with cardinality constraints are very dicult mathematical programs which are typically solved by global techniques from discrete optimization. Here we introduce a mixed-integer formulation whose standard relaxation still has the same solutions (in the sense of global minima) as the underlying cardinality-constrained problem; the relation between the local minima is also discussed in … Read more

Elastic-Mode Algorithms for Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints: Global Convergence and Stationarity Properties

The elastic-mode formulation of the problem of minimizing a nonlinear function subject to equilibrium constraints has appealing local properties in that, for a finite value of the penalty parameter, local solutions satisfying first- and second-order necessary optimality conditions for the original problem are also first- and second-order points of the elastic-mode formulation. Here we study … Read more