Partial Smoothness,Tilt Stability, and Generalized Hessians

We compare two recent variational-analytic approaches to second-order conditions and sensitivity analysis for nonsmooth optimization. We describe a broad setting where computing the generalized Hessian of Mordukhovich is easy. In this setting, the idea of tilt stability introduced by Poliquin and Rockafellar is equivalent to a classical smooth second-order condition. ArticleDownload View PDF

Identifying Active Manifolds in Regularization Problems

In this work we consider the problem $\min_x \{ f(x) + P(x) \}$, where $f$ is $\mathcal{C}^2$ and $P$ is nonsmooth, but contains an underlying smooth substructure. Specifically, we assume the function $P$ is prox-regular partly smooth with respect to a active manifold $\M$. Recent work by Tseng and Yun \cite{tseng-yun-2009}, showed that such a … Read more

A Redistributed Proximal Bundle Method for Nonconvex Optimization

Proximal bundle methods have been shown to be highly successful optimization methods for unconstrained convex problems with discontinuous first derivatives. This naturally leads to the question of whether proximal variants of bundle methods can be extended to a nonconvex setting. This work proposes an approach based on generating cutting-planes models, not of the objective function … Read more

A Proximal Method for Identifying Active Manifolds

The minimization of an objective function over a constraint set can often be simplified if the “active manifold” of the constraints set can be correctly identified. In this work we present a simple subproblem, which can be used inside of any (convergent) optimization algorithm, that will identify the active manifold of a “prox-regular partly smooth” … Read more

Prox-Regularity and Stability of the Proximal Mapping

Fundamental insights into the properties of a function come from the study of its Moreau envelopes and Proximal point mappings. In this paper we examine the stability of these two objects under several types of perturbations. In the simplest case, we consider tilt-perturbations, i.e. perturbations which correspond to adding a linear term to the objective … Read more

Computing Proximal Points on Nonconvex Functions

The proximal point mapping is the basis of many optimization techniques for convex functions. By means of variational analysis, the concept of proximal mapping was recently extended to nonconvex functions that are prox-regular and prox-bounded. In such a setting, the proximal point mapping is locally Lipschitz continuous and its set of fixed points coincide with … Read more