Slow convergence of the moment-SOS hierarchy for an elementary polynomial optimization problem

We describe a parametric univariate quadratic optimization problem for which the moment-SOS hierarchy has finite but increasingly slow convergence when the parameter tends to its limit value. We estimate the order of finite convergence as a function of the parameter. ArticleDownload View PDF

Solving moment and polynomial optimization problems on Sobolev spaces

Using standard tools of harmonic analysis, we state and solve the problem of moments for positive measures supported on the unit ball of a Sobolev space of multivariate periodic trigonometric functions. We describe outer and inner semidefinite approximations of the cone of Sobolev moments. They are the basic components of an infinite-dimensional moment-sums of squares … Read more

Geometry of exactness of moment-SOS relaxations for polynomial optimization

The moment-SOS (sum of squares) hierarchy is a powerful approach for solving globally non-convex polynomial optimization problems (POPs) at the price of solving a family of convex semidefinite optimization problems (called moment-SOS relaxations) of increasing size, controlled by an integer, the relaxation order. We say that a relaxation of a given order is exact if … Read more

Solving Two-Trust-Region Subproblems using Semidefinite Optimization with Eigenvector Branching

Semidefinite programming (SDP) problems typically utilize the constraint that X-xx’ is PSD to obtain a convex relaxation of the condition X=xx’, where x is an n-vector. In this paper we consider a new hyperplane branching method for SDP based on using an eigenvector of X-xx’. This branching technique is related to previous work of Saxeena, … Read more

A new perspective on low-rank optimization

A key question in many low-rank problems throughout optimization, machine learning, and statistics is to characterize the convex hulls of simple low-rank sets and judiciously apply these convex hulls to obtain strong yet computationally tractable convex relaxations. We invoke the matrix perspective function — the matrix analog of the perspective function — and characterize explicitly … Read more