Slow convergence of the moment-SOS hierarchy for an elementary polynomial optimization problem

We describe a parametric univariate quadratic optimization problem for which the moment-SOS hierarchy has finite but increasingly slow convergence when the parameter tends to its limit value. We estimate the order of finite convergence as a function of the parameter. ArticleDownload View PDF

A real moment-HSOS hierarchy for complex polynomial optimization with real coefficients

This paper proposes a real moment-HSOS hierarchy for complex polynomial optimization problems with real coefficients. We show that this hierarchy provides the same sequence of lower bounds as the complex analogue, yet is much cheaper to solve. In addition, we prove that global optimality is achieved when the ranks of the moment matrix and certain … Read more

Certifying Global Optimality of AC-OPF Solutions via sparse polynomial optimization

We report the experimental results on certifying 1% global optimality of solutions of AC-OPF instances from PGLiB via the CS-TSSOS hierarchy — a moment-SOS based hierarchy that exploits both correlative and term sparsity, which can provide tighter SDP relaxations than Shor’s relaxation. Our numerical experiments demonstrate that the CS-TSSOS hierarchy scales well with the problem … Read more

Revisiting semidefinite programming approaches to options pricing: complexity and computational perspectives

In this paper we consider the problem of finding bounds on the prices of options depending on multiple assets without assuming any underlying model on the price dynamics, but only the absence of arbitrage opportunities. We formulate this as a generalized moment problem and utilize the well-known Moment-Sum-of-Squares (SOS) hierarchy of Lasserre to obtain bounds … Read more

Semidenite Approximations of Invariant Measures for Polynomial Systems

We consider the problem of approximating numerically the moments and the supports of measures which are invariant with respect to the dynamics of continuousand discrete-time polynomial systems, under semialgebraic set constraints. First, we address the problem of approximating the density and hence the support of an invariant measure which is absolutely continuous with respect to … Read more

Approximating Pareto Curves using Semidefinite Relaxations

We consider the problem of constructing an approximation of the Pareto curve associated with the multiobjective optimization problem $\min_{x \in S} \{(f_1(x),f_2(x))\}$, where $f_1$ and $f_2$ are two conflicting positive polynomial criteria and $S \subset R^n$ is a compact basic semialgebraic set. We provide a systematic numerical scheme to approximate the Pareto curve. We start … Read more