Edge expansion of a graph: SDP-based computational strategies

Computing the edge expansion of a graph is a famously hard combinatorial problem for which there have been many approximation studies. We present two variants of exact algorithms using semidefinite programming (SDP) to compute this constant for any graph. The first variant uses the SDP relax- ation first to reduce the search space considerably. The … Read more

Eigenvalue, Quadratic Programming, and Semidefinite Programming Relaxations for a Cut Minimization Problem

We consider the problem of partitioning the node set of a graph into $k$ sets of given sizes in order to \emph{minimize the cut} obtained using (removing) the $k$-th set. If the resulting cut has value $0$, then we have obtained a vertex separator. This problem is closely related to the graph partitioning problem. In … Read more

Optimality and uniqueness of the (4,10,1/6) spherical code

Traditionally, optimality and uniqueness of an (n,N,t) spherical code is proved using linear programming bounds. However, this approach does not apply to the parameter (4,10,1/6). We use semidefinite programming bounds instead to show that the Petersen code (which are the vertices of the 4-dimensional second hypersimplex or the midpoints of the edges of the regular … Read more