Spanning and Splitting: Integer Semidefinite Programming for the Quadratic Minimum Spanning Tree Problem

In the quadratic minimum spanning tree problem (QMSTP) one wants to find the minimizer of a quadratic function over all possible spanning trees of a graph. We give two formulations of the QMSTP as mixed-integer semidefinite programs exploiting the algebraic connectivity of a graph. Based on these formulations, we derive a doubly nonnegative relaxation for … Read more

Connectivity via convexity: Bounds on the edge expansion in graphs

Convexification techniques have gained increasing interest over the past decades. In this work, we apply a recently developed convexification technique for fractional programs by He, Liu and Tawarmalani (2024) to the problem of determining the edge expansion of a graph. Computing the edge expansion of a graph is a well-known, difficult combinatorial problem that seeks … Read more

Edge expansion of a graph: SDP-based computational strategies

Computing the edge expansion of a graph is a famously hard combinatorial problem for which there have been many approximation studies. We present two variants of exact algorithms using semidefinite programming (SDP) to compute this constant for any graph. The first variant uses the SDP relax- ation first to reduce the search space considerably. The … Read more

Partitioning through projections: strong SDP bounds for large graph partition problems

The graph partition problem (GPP) aims at clustering the vertex set of a graph into a fixed number of disjoint subsets of given sizes such that the sum of weights of edges joining different sets is minimized. This paper investigates the quality of doubly nonnegative (DNN) relaxations, i.e., relaxations having matrix variables that are both … Read more

SOS-SDP: an Exact Solver for Minimum Sum-of-Squares Clustering

The minimum sum-of-squares clustering problem (MSSC) consists in partitioning n observations into k clusters in order to minimize the sum of squared distances from the points to the centroid of their cluster. In this paper, we propose an exact algorithm for the MSSC problem based on the branch-and-bound technique. The lower bound is computed by … Read more

Using a Factored Dual in Augmented Lagrangian Methods for Semidefinite Programming

In the context of augmented Lagrangian approaches for solving semidefinite programming problems, we investigate the possibility of eliminating the positive semidefinite constraint on the dual matrix by employing a factorization. Hints on how to deal with the resulting unconstrained maximization of the augmented Lagrangian are given. We further propose to use the approximate maximum of … Read more

SDP-based Branch-and-Bound for Non-convex Quadratic Integer Optimization

Semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations have been intensively used for solving discrete quadratic optimization problems, in particular in the binary case. For the general non-convex integer case with box constraints, the branch-and-bound algorithm Q-MIST has been proposed [11], which is based on an extension of the well-known SDP-relaxation for max-cut. For solving the resulting SDPs, Q-MIST … Read more

QPLIB: A Library of Quadratic Programming Instances

This paper describes a new instance library for Quadratic Programming (QP), i.e., the family of continuous and (mixed)-integer optimization problems where the objective function, the constrains, or both are quadratic. QP is a very “varied” class of problems, comprising sub-classes of problems ranging from trivial to undecidable. Solution methods for QP are very diverse, ranging … Read more

A coordinate ascent method for solving semidefinite relaxations of non-convex quadratic integer programs

We present a coordinate ascent method for a class of semidefinite programming problems that arise in non-convex quadratic integer optimization. These semidefinite programs are characterized by a small total number of active constraints and by low-rank constraint matrices. We exploit this special structure by solving the dual problem, using a barrier method in combination with … Read more

Exact Solution Methods for the hBcitem Quadratic Knapsack Problem

The purpose of this paper is to solve the 0-1 k-item quadratic knapsack problem (kQKP), a problem of maximizing a quadratic function subject to two linear constraints.We propose an exact method based on semide nite optimization. The semide nite relaxation used in our approach includes simple rank one constraints, which can be handled efficiently by interior point … Read more