On Two Vectorization Schemes for Set-valued Optimization

In this paper, we investigate two known solution approaches for set-valued optimization problems, both of which are based on so-called vectorization strategies. These strategies consist of deriving a parametric family of multi-objective optimization problems whose optimal solution sets approximate those of the original set-valued problem with arbitrary accuracy in a certain sense. Thus, these approaches … Read more

Solving set-valued optimization problems using a multiobjective approach

Set-valued optimization using the set approach is a research topic of high interest due to its practical relevance and numerous interdependencies to other fields of optimization. However, it is a very difficult task to solve these optimzation problems even for specific cases. In this paper we study set-valued optimization problems and develop a multiobjective optimization … Read more

Solving ill-posed bilevel programs

This paper deals with ill-posed bilevel programs, i.e., problems admitting multiple lower-level solutions for some upper-level parameters. Many publications have been devoted to the standard optimistic case of this problem, where the difficulty is essentially moved from the objective function to the feasible set. This new problem is simpler but there is no guaranty to … Read more

Optimality conditions for several type of efficient solutions of set-valued optimization problems

A simple unified framework is presented for the study of strong efficient solutions, weak efficient solutions, positive proper efficient solutions, Henig global proper efficient solutions, Henig proper efficient solutions, super efficient solutions, Benson proper efficient solutions, Hartley proper efficient solutions, Hurwicz proper efficient solutions and Borwein proper efficient solutions of set-valued optimization problem with/or without … Read more