Variance Reduction of Stochastic Gradients Without Full Gradient Evaluation

A standard concept for reducing the variance of stochastic gradient approximations is based on full gradient evaluations every now and then. In this paper an approach is considered that — while approximating a local minimizer of a sum of functions — also generates approximations of the gradient and the function values without relying on full … Read more

Set-Completely-Positive Representations and Cuts for the Max-Cut Polytope and the Unit Modulus Lifting

This paper considers a generalization of the “max-cut-polytope” $\conv\{\ xx^T\mid x\in\real^n, \ \ |x_k| = 1 \ \hbox{for} \ 1\le k\le n\}$ in the space of real symmetric $n\times n$-matrices with all-ones-diagonal to a complex “unit modulus lifting” $\conv\{xx\HH\mid x\in\complex^n, \ \ |x_k| = 1 \ \hbox{for} \ 1\le k\le n\}$ in the space of … Read more

The solution of Euclidean norm trust region SQP subproblems via second order cone programs, an overview and elementary introduction

It is well known that convex SQP subproblems with a Euclidean norm trust region constraint can be reduced to second order cone programs for which the theory of Euclidean Jordan-algebras leads to efficient interior-point algorithms. Here, a brief and self-contained outline of the principles of such an implementation is given. All identities relevant for the … Read more