Solving piecewise linear equations in abs-normal form

With the ultimate goal of iteratively solving piecewise smooth (PS) systems, we consider the solution of piecewise linear (PL) equations. PL models can be derived in the fashion of automatic or algorithmic differentiation as local approximations of PS functions with a second order error in the distance to a given reference point. The resulting PL … Read more

On Stable Piecewise Linearization and Generalized Algorithmic Differentiation

It is shown how functions that are defined by evaluation programs involving the absolute value function (besides smooth elementals), can be approximated locally by piecewise-linear models in the style of algorithmic, or automatic, differentiation (AD). The model can be generated by a minor modification of standard AD tools and it is Lipschitz continuous with respect … Read more

A continuous model for open pit mine planning

This paper proposes a new mathematical model for the open pit mine planning problem, based on continuous functional analysis. The traditional models for this problem have been constructed by using discrete 0-1 decision variables, giving rise to large-scale combinatorial and Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) problems. Instead, we use a continuous approach which allows for a … Read more

Adjoint Broyden a la GMRES

It is shown that a compact storage implementation of a quasi-Newton method based on the adjoint Broyden update reduces in the affine case exactly to the well established GMRES procedure. Generally, storage and linear algebra effort per step are small multiples of n k, where n is the number of variables and k the number … Read more