A Simple Algorithm for Online Decision Making

Motivated by recent progress on online linear programming (OLP), we study the online decision making problem (ODMP) as a natural generalization of OLP. In ODMP, there exists a single decision maker who makes a series of decisions spread out over a total of \(T\) time stages. At each time stage, the decision maker makes a … Read more

A convex integer programming approach for optimal sparse PCA

Principal component analysis (PCA) is one of the most widely used dimensionality reduction tools in scientific data analysis. The PCA direction, given by the leading eigenvector of a covariance matrix, is a linear combination of all features with nonzero loadings—this impedes interpretability. Sparse principal component analysis (SPCA) is a framework that enhances interpretability by incorporating … Read more

Sparse principal component analysis and its l1-relaxation

Principal component analysis (PCA) is one of the most widely used dimensionality reduction methods in scientific data analysis. In many applications, for additional interpretability, it is desirable for the factor loadings to be sparse, that is, we solve PCA with an additional cardinality (l0) constraint. The resulting optimization problem is called the sparse principal component … Read more

The Strength of Multi-row Aggregation Cuts for Sign-pattern Integer Programs

In this paper, we study the strength of aggregation cuts for sign-pattern integer programs (IPs). Sign-pattern IPs are a generalization of packing IPs and are of the form {x \in Z^n | Ax = 0} where for a given column j, A_{ij} is either non-negative for all i or non-positive for all i. Our first … Read more

Mixed-integer linear representability, disjunctions, and Chvatal functions — modeling implications

Jeroslow and Lowe gave an exact geometric characterization of subsets of $\mathbb{R}^n$ that are projections of mixed-integer linear sets, also known as MILP-representable or MILP-R sets. We give an alternate algebraic characterization by showing that a set is MILP-R {\em if and only if} the set can be described as the intersection of finitely many … Read more