GasLib – A Library of Gas Network Instances

The development of mathematical simulation and optimization models and algorithms for solving gas transport problems is an active field of research. In order to test and compare these models and algorithms, gas network instances together with demand data are needed. The goal of GasLib is to provide a set of publicly available gas network instances … Read more

Uniqueness of Market Equilibrium on a Network: A Peak-Load Pricing Approach

In this paper we establish conditions under which uniqueness of market equilibrium is obtained in a setup where prior to trading of electricity, transmission capacities between different market regions are fixed. In our setup, firms facing fluctuating demand decide on the size and location of production facilities. They make production decisions constrained by the invested … Read more

Solving Power-Constrained Gas Transportation Problems using an MIP-based Alternating Direction Method

We present a solution algorithm for problems from steady-state gas transport optimization. Due to nonlinear and nonconvex physics and engineering models as well as discrete controllability of active network devices, these problems lead to hard nonconvex mixed-integer nonlinear optimization models. The proposed method is based on mixed-integer linear techniques using piecewise linear relaxations of the … Read more

Validation of Nominations in Gas Network Optimization: Models, Methods, and Solutions

In this article we investigate methods to solve a fundamental task in gas transportation, namely the validation of nomination problem: Given a gas transmission network consisting of passive pipelines and active, controllable elements and given an amount of gas at every entry and exit point of the network, find operational settings for all active elements … Read more