Robust Workforce Management with Crowdsourced Delivery

We investigate how crowdsourced delivery platforms with both contracted and ad-hoc couriers can effectively manage their workforce to meet delivery demands amidst uncertainties. Our objective is to minimize the hiring costs of contracted couriers and the crowdsourcing costs of ad-hoc couriers while considering the uncertain availability and behavior of the latter. Due to the complication … Read more

The Analytics of Robust Satisficing: Predict, Optimize, Satisfice, then Fortify

We introduce a novel approach to prescriptive analytics that leverages robust satisficing techniques to determine optimal decisions in situations of risk ambiguity and prediction uncertainty. Our decision model relies on a reward function that incorporates uncertain parameters, which can be partially predicted using available side information. However, the accuracy of the linear prediction model depends … Read more

Robust Actionable Prescriptive Analytics

We propose a new robust actionable prescriptive analytics framework that leverages past data and side information to minimize a risk-based objective function under distributional ambiguity. Our framework aims to find a policy that directly transforms the side information into implementable decisions. Specifically, we focus on developing actionable response policies that offer the benefits of interpretability … Read more

Tractable Robust Supervised Learning Models

At the heart of supervised learning is a minimization problem with an objective function that evaluates a set of training data over a loss function that penalizes poor fitting and a regularization function that penalizes over-fitting to the training data. More recently, data-driven robust optimization based learning models provide an intuitive robustness perspective of regularization. … Read more

Robust CARA Optimization

We propose robust optimization models and their tractable approximations that cater for ambiguity-averse decision makers whose underlying risk preferences are consistent with constant absolute risk aversion (CARA). Specifically, we focus on maximizing the worst-case expected exponential utility where the underlying uncertainty is generated from a set of stochastically independent factors with ambiguous marginals. To obtain … Read more

Robust Epidemiological Prediction and Optimization

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many countries to their knees, and the urgency to return to normalcy has never been greater. Epidemiological models, such as the SEIR compartmental model, are indispensable tools for, among other things, predicting how pandemic may spread over time and how vaccinations and different public health interventions could affect the outcome. … Read more

Joint Pricing and Production: A Fusion of Machine Learning and Robust Optimization

We integrate machine learning with distributionally robust optimization to address a two-period problem for the joint pricing and production of multiple items. First, we generalize the additive demand model to capture both cross-product and cross-period effects as well as the demand dependence across periods. Next, we apply K-means clustering to the demand residual mapping based … Read more

Mitigating Interdiction Risk with Fortification

We study a network fortification problem on a directed network that channels single-commodity resources to fulfill random demands delivered to a subset of the nodes. For given a realization of demands, the malicious interdictor would disrupt the network in a manner that would maximize the total demand shortfalls subject to the interdictor’s constraints. To mitigate … Read more

Robust Stochastic Optimization Made Easy with RSOME

We present a new distributionally robust optimization model called robust stochastic optimization (RSO), which unifies both scenario-tree based stochastic linear optimization and distributionally robust optimization in a practicable framework that can be solved using the state-of-the-art commercial optimization solvers. We also develop a new algebraic modeling package, RSOME to facilitate the implementation of RSO models. … Read more

Distributionally Robust Optimization with Infinitely Constrained Ambiguity Sets

We consider a distributionally robust optimization problem where the ambiguity set of probability distributions is characterized by a tractable conic representable support set and expectation constraints. Specifically, we propose and motivate a new class of infinitely constrained ambiguity sets in which the number of expectation constraints could potentially be infinite. We show how the infinitely … Read more