Snow water equivalent estimation using blackbox optimization

Accurate measurements of snow water equivalent (SWE) is an important factor in managing water resources for hydroelectric power generation. SWE over a catchment area may be estimated via kriging on measures obtained by snow monitoring devices positioned at strategic locations. The question studied in this paper is to find the device locations that minimize the … Read more

Use of quadratic models with mesh adaptive direct search for constrained black box optimization

We consider a derivative-free optimization, and in particular black box optimization, where the functions to be minimized and the functions representing the constraints are given by black boxes without derivatives. Two fundamental families of methods are available: model-based methods and directional direct search algorithms. This work exploits the flexibility of the second type of methods … Read more

Calculating optimal conditions for alloy and process design using thermodynamic and property databases, the FactSage software and the Mesh Adaptive Direct Search algorithm

During alloy and process design, it is often desired to identify regions of design or process variables for which certain calculated functions have optimal values under various constraints, for example: compositions of minimum liquidus temperature in an N-component alloy; compositions where the amount of precipitate in a given phase is maximized or minimized during annealing … Read more

Calculating all local minima on liquidus surfaces using the FactSage software and databases and the Mesh Adaptive Direct Search algorithm

It is often of interest, for a multicomponent system, to identify the low melting compositions at which local minima of the liquidus surface occur. The experimental determination of these minima can be very time-consuming. An alternative is to employ the CALPHAD approach using evaluated thermodynamic databases containing optimized model parameters giving the thermodynamic properties of … Read more

Trade-off studies in blackbox optimization

This paper proposes a framework for trade-off analyses of blackbox constrained optimization problems. Two strategies are developed to show the trade-off of the optimal objective function value with tightening or loosening general constraints. These are a simple method which may be performed immediately after a single optimization and a detailed method performing biobjective optimization on … Read more

The mesh adaptive direct search algorithm for periodic variables

This work analyzes constrained black box optimization in which the functions defining the problem are periodic with respect to some or all the variables. We show that the natural strategy of mapping trial points into the interval defined by the period in the Mesh Adaptive Direct Search (MADS) framework can be easily done in practice, … Read more

Algorithm 909: NOMAD: Nonlinear Optimization with the MADS algorithm

NOMAD is software that implements the MADS algorithm (Mesh Adaptive Direct Search) for black-box optimization under general nonlinear constraints. Blackbox optimization is about optimizing functions that are usually given as costly programs with no derivative information and no function values returned for a significant number of calls attempted. NOMAD is designed for such problems and … Read more

Parallel Space Decomposition of the Mesh Adaptive Direct Search algorithm

This paper describes a parallel space decomposition PSD technique for the mesh adaptive direct search MADS algorithm. MADS extends a generalized pattern search for constrained nonsmooth optimization problems. The objective of the present work is to obtain good solutions to larger problems than the ones typically solved by MADS. The new method PSD-MADS is an … Read more

OrthoMADS: A deterministic MADS instance with orthogonal directions

he purpose of this paper is to introduce a new way of choosing directions for the mesh adaptive direct search (Mads) class of algorithms. The advantages of this new OrthoMads instantiation of Mads are that the polling directions are chosen deterministically, ensuring that the results of a given run are repeatable, and that they are … Read more

Exact and heuristic solutions of the global supply chain problem with transfer pricing

We examine the example of a multinational corporation that attempts to maximize its global after tax profits by determining the flow of goods, the transfer prices, and the transportation cost allocation between each of its subsidiaries. Vidal and Goetschalckx (2001) proposed a bilinear model of this problem and solved it by an Alternate heuristic. We … Read more