Optimization Techniques for the Brazilian Natural Gas Network Planning Problem

This work reports on modeling and numerical experience in solving the long-term design and operation planning problem of the Brazilian natural gas network. A stochastic approach to address uncertainties related to the gas demand is considered. Representing uncertainties by finitely many scenarios increases the size of the resulting optimization problem, and therefore the difficulty to … Read more

Level Bundle Methods for Constrained Convex Optimization with Various Oracles

We propose restricted memory level bundle methods for minimizing constrained convex nonsmooth optimization problems whose objective and constraint functions are known through oracles (black-boxes) that might provide inexact information. Our approach is general and covers many instances of inexact oracles, such as upper, lower and on-demand oracles. We show that the proposed level bundle methods … Read more

Nonsmooth Optimization Using Uncontrolled Inexact Information

We consider convex nonsmooth optimization problems whose objective function is known through a (fine) oracle together with some additional (cheap but poor) information – formalized as a second coarse oracle with uncontrolled inexactness. It is the case when the objective function is itself the output of an optimization solver, using a branch-and-bound procedure, or decomposing … Read more

A doubly stabilized bundle method for nonsmooth convex optimization

We propose a bundle method for minimizing nonsmooth convex functions that combines both the level and the proximal stabilizations. Most bundle algorithms use a cutting-plane model of the objective function to formulate a subproblem whose solution gives the next iterate. Proximal bundle methods employ the model in the objective function of the subproblem, while level … Read more

Proximal bundle methods in depth: a unified analysis for inexact oracles

The last few years have seen the advent ofa new generation of bundle methods, capable to handle inexact oracles, polluted by “noise”. Proving convergence of a bundle method is never simple and coping with inexact oracles substantially increases the technicalities. Besides, several variants exist to deal with noise, each one needing an ad hoc proof … Read more

Level Bundle Methods for oracles with on-demand accuracy

For nonsmooth convex optimization, we consider level bundle methods built using an oracle that computes values for the objective function and a subgradient at any given feasible point. For the problems of interest, the exact oracle information is computable, but difficult to obtain. In order to save computational effort the oracle can provide estimations with … Read more

Inexact Bundle Methods for Two-Stage Stochastic Programming

Stochastic programming problems arise in many practical situations. In general, the deterministic equivalents of these problems can be very large and may not be solvable directly by general-purpose optimization approaches. For the particular case of two-stage stochastic programs, we consider decomposition approaches akin to a regularized L-shaped method that can handle inexactness in the subproblem … Read more

Optimal Scenario Tree Reduction for Stochastic Streamflows in Power Generation Planning Problems

The mid-term operation planning of hydro-thermal power systems needs a large number of synthetic sequences to represent accurately stochastic streamflows. These sequences are generated by a periodic autoregressive model. If the number of synthetic sequences is too big, the optimization planning problem may be too difficult to solve. To select a small set of sequences … Read more