A Note on Complexity of Traveling Tournament Problem

Sports league scheduling problems have gained considerable amount of attention in recent years due to its huge applications and challenges. Traveling Tournament problem, proposed by Trick et. al. (2001), is a problem of scheduling round robin leagues which minimizes the total travel distance maintaining some constraints on consecutive home and away matches. No good algorithm … Read more

A Computational Framework for Uncertainty Quantification and Stochastic Optimization in Unit Commitment with Wind Power Generation

We present a computational framework for integrating a state-of-the-art numerical weather prediction (NWP) model in stochastic unit commitment/energy dispatch formulations that account for wind power uncertainty. We first enhance the NWP model with an ensemble-based uncertainty quantification strategy implemented in a distributed-memory parallel computing architecture. We discuss computational issues arising in the implementation of the … Read more

Resource Allocation with Time Intervals

We study a resource allocation problem where jobs have the following characteristics: Each job consumes some quantity of a bounded resource during a certain time interval and induces a given profit. We aim to select a subset of jobs with maximal total profit such that the total resource consumed at any point in time remains … Read more

A Biased Random-Key Genetic Algorithm with Forward-Backward Improvement for the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem

This paper presents a biased random-keys genetic algorithm for the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem. The chromosome representation of the problem is based on random keys. Active schedules are constructed using a priority-rule heuristic in which the priorities of the activities are defined by the genetic algorithm. A forward-backward improvement procedure is applied to all … Read more

The opportunistic replacement problem: analysis and case studies

We consider an optimization model for determining optimal opportunistic maintenance (that is, component replacement) schedules when data is deterministic. This problem generalizes that of Dickman, Epstein, and Wilamowsky [21] and is a natural starting point for the modelling of replacement schedules when component lives are non-deterministic. We show that this basic opportunistic replacement problem is … Read more

Project Scheduling

Nowadays, construction projects grow in complexity and size. So, finding feasible schedules which efficiently use scarce resources is a challenging task within project management. Project scheduling consists of determining the starting and finishing times of the activities in a project. These activities are linked by precedence relations and their processing requires one or more resources. … Read more

Minimizing the sum of weighted completion times in a concurrent open shop

We study minimizing the sum of weighted completion times in a concurrent open shop. We give a primal-dual 2-approximation algorithm for this problem. We also show that several natural linear programming relaxations for this problem have an integrality gap of 2. Finally, we show that this problem is inapproximable within a factor strictly less than … Read more

Near-Optimal Solutions and Integrality Gaps for Almost All Instances of Single-Machine Precedence-Constrained Scheduling

We consider the problem of minimizing the weighted sum of completion times on a single machine subject to bipartite precedence constraints where all minimal jobs have unit processing time and zero weight, and all maximal jobs have zero processing time and unit weight. For various probability distributions over these instances–including the uniform distribution–we show several … Read more

Minimum Dissatisfaction Personnel Scheduling

In this paper we consider two problems regarding the scheduling of available personnel in order to perform a given quantity of work, which can be arbitrarily decomposed into a sequence of activities. We are interested in schedules which minimize the overall dissatisfaction, where each employee’s dissatisfaction is modeled as a time-dependent linear function. For the … Read more

Algorithms over Arc-time Indexed Formulations for Single and Parallel Machine Scheduling Problems

This paper presents algorithms for single and parallel identical machine scheduling problems. While the overall algorithm can be viewed as a branch-cut-and-price over a very large extended formulation, a number of auxiliary techniques are necessary to make the column generation effective. Those techniques include a powerful fixing by reduced costs and a new proposed dual … Read more