A New Trust Region Technique for the Maximum Weight Clique Problem

A new simple generalization of the Motzkin-Straus theorem for the maximum weight clique problem is formulated and directly proved. Within this framework a new trust region heuristic is developed. In contrast to usual trust region methods, it regards not only the global optimum of a quadratic objective over a sphere, but also a set of … Read more

New Benchmark Instances for the Steiner Problem in Graphs

We propose in this work 50 new test instances for the Steiner problem in graphs. These instances are characterized by large integrality gaps and symmetry aspects which make them harder to both exact methods and heuristics than the test problems currently in use for the evaluation and comparison of existing and newly developed algorithms. Our … Read more


We introduce an anti-matroid as a family $\cal F$ of subsets of a ground set $E$ for which there exists an assignment of weights to the elements of $E$ such that the greedy algorithm to compute a maximal set (with respect to inclusion) in $\cal F$ of minimum weight finds, instead, the unique maximal set … Read more

Feedback vertex sets and disjoint cycles in planar (di)graphs

We present new fixed parameter algorithms for feedback vertex set and disjoint cycles on planar graphs. We give an $O(c^{\sqrt{k}} + n)$ algorithm for $k$-feedback vertex set and an $O(c^{\sqrt{k}} n)$ algorithm for $k$-disjoint cycles on planar graphs. Citation Manuscript 4 July, 2001. Article Download View Feedback vertex sets and disjoint cycles in planar (di)graphs

Kernels in planar digraphs

A set $S$ of vertices in a digraph $D=(V,A)$ is a kernel if $S$ is independent and every vertex in $V-S$ has an out-neighbour in $S$. We show that there exists an $O(3^{\delta \sqrt{k}} n)$~% \footnote{Throughout this paper the constants $\delta$ and $c$ are the same as the comparative constants mentioned in~\cite{kn:alber}.} algorithm to check … Read more

Upper Bounds on ATSP Neighborhood Size

We consider the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem (ATSP) and use the definition of neighborhood by Deineko and Woeginger (see Math. Programming 87 (2000) 519-542). Let $\mu(n)$ be the maximum cardinality of polynomial time searchable neighborhood for the ATSP on $n$ vertices. Deineko and Woeginger conjectured that $\mu (n)< \beta (n-1)!$ for any constant $\beta >0$ … Read more

Discrete convexity and unimodularity. I.

In this article we introduce a theory of convexity for the lattices of integer points, which we call a theory of discrete convexity. In particular, we obtain generalizations of Edmonds’ polymatroid intersection theorem and the Hoffman-Kruskal theorem as consequences of our constructions. Citation Advances in Mathematics (to appear) Article Download View Discrete convexity and unimodularity. … Read more

Stable Multi-Sets

In this paper we introduce a generalization of stable sets: stable multi-sets. A stable multi-set is an assignment of integers to the vertices of a graph, such that specified bounds on vertices and edges are not exceeded. In case all vertex and edge bounds equal one, stable multi-sets are equivalent to stable sets. For the … Read more

Solving Steiner tree problems in graphs with Lagrangian relaxation

This paper presents an algorithm to obtain near optimal solutions for the Steiner tree problem in graphs. It is based on a Lagrangian relaxation of a multi-commodity flow formulation of the problem. An extension of the subgradient algorithm, the volume algorithm, has been used to obtain lowe r bounds and to estimate primal solutions. Due … Read more

Reducing the number of AD passes for computing a sparse Jacobian matrix

A reduction in the computational work is possible if we do not require that the nonzeros of a Jacobian matrix be determined directly. If a column or row partition is available, the proposed substitution technique can be used to reduce the number of groups in the partition further. In this chapter, we present a substitution … Read more