Finding a best approximation pair of points for two polyhedra

Given two disjoint convex polyhedra, we look for a best approximation pair relative to them, i.e., a pair of points, one in each polyhedron, attaining the minimum distance between the sets. Cheney and Goldstein showed that alternating projections onto the two sets, starting from an arbitrary point, generate a sequence whose two interlaced subsequences converge … Read more

Benders decomposition of the resource constrained project scheduling problem

Problem instances found in the literature that are used in computational studies of the resource constrained project scheduling problem, typically include only a few resources. In some practical applications, however, the number of resources may be significantly higher. In this paper, problem instances with a large number of resources are considered and a Benders decomposition … Read more

The Traveling Salesperson Problem with Forbidden Neighborhoods on Regular 3D Grids

We study the traveling salesperson problem with forbidden neighborhoods (TSPFN) on regular three-dimensional grids. The TSPFN asks for a shortest tour over all grid points such that successive points along a tour have at least some given distance. We present optimal solutions and explicit construction schemes for the Euclidean TSP and the TSPFN where edges … Read more

Closed Almost Knight’s Tours on 2D and 3D Chessboards

Let a (generalized) chessboard in two or three dimensions be given. A closed knight’s tour is defined as a Hamiltonian cycle over all cells of the chessboard where all moves are knight’s moves, i.,e. have length 5^0.5. It is well-characterized for which chessboard sizes it is not possible to construct a closed knight’s tour. On … Read more

The Multiple Checkpoint Ordering Problem

The multiple Checkpoint Ordering Problem (mCOP) aims to find an optimal arrangement of n one-dimensional departments with given lengths such that the total weighted sum of their distances to m given checkpoints is minimized. In this paper we suggest an integer linear programming (ILP) approach and a dynamic programming (DP) algorithm, which is only exact … Read more

Toward breaking the curse of dimensionality: an FPTAS for stochastic dynamic programs with multidimensional action and scalar state

We propose a Fully Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme (FPTAS) for stochastic dynamic programs with multidimensional action, scalar state, convex costs and linear state transition function. The action spaces are polyhedral and described by parametric linear programs. This type of problems finds applications in the area of optimal planning under uncertainty, and can be thought of as … Read more

Disruption Recovery at Airports: Integer Programming Formulations and Polynomial time algorithms

We study disruptions at a major airport. Disruptions could be caused by bad weather, for example. Our study is from the perspective of the airport, the air services provider (such as air traffic control) and the travelling public, rather than from the perspective of a single airline. Disruptions cause flights to be subjected to ground … Read more

A branch-and-bound algorithm for the minimum radius k-enclosing ball problem

The minimum $k$-enclosing ball problem seeks the ball with smallest radius that contains at least $k$ of $m$ given points in a general $n$-dimensional Euclidean space. This problem is NP-hard. We present a branch-and-bound algorithm on the tree of the subsets of $k$ points to solve this problem. The nodes on the tree are ordered … Read more

Improved Space-State Relaxation for Constrained Two-Dimensional Guillotine Cutting Problems

Christofides and Hadjiconstantinou introduced a dynamic programming state space relaxation for obtaining upper bounds for the Constrained Two-dimensional Guillotine Cutting Problem. The quality of those bounds depend on the chosen item weights, they are adjusted using a subgradient-like algorithm. This paper proposes Algorithm X, a new weight adjusting algorithm based on integer programming that provably … Read more

The job shop scheduling problem with convex costs

The job shop scheduling literature has been dominated by a focus on regular objective functions — in particular the makespan — in its half a century long history. The last twenty years have encountered a spike of interest in other objectives, such as the total weighted tardiness, but research on non-regular objective functions has always … Read more