StAMPL: A Filtration-Oriented Modeling Tool for Stochastic Programming

Every multistage stochastic programming problem with recourse (MSPR) contains a filtration process. In this research, we created a notation that makes the filtration process the central syntactic construction of the MSPR. As a result, we achieve lower redundancy and higher modularity than is possible with the mathematical notation commonly associated with stochastic programming. To experiment … Read more

Kestrel: An Interface from Optimization Modeling Systems to the NEOS Server

The NEOS Server provides access to a variety of optimization resources via the Internet. The new Kestrel interface to the Server enables local modeling environments to request NEOS optimization services and retrieve the results for local visualization and analysis, so that users have the same convenient access to remote NEOS solvers as to those installed … Read more

OSiL: An Instance Language for Optimization

Distributed computing technologies such as Web Services are growing rapidly in importance in today’s computing environment. In the area of mathematical optimization, it is becoming increasingly common to separate modeling languages from optimization solvers. In fact, the modeling language software, solver software, and data used to generate a model instance might reside on different machines … Read more

Exploiting Structure in Parallel Implementation of Interior Point Methods for Optimization

OOPS is an object oriented parallel solver using the primal dual interior point methods. Its main component is an object-oriented linear algebra library designed to exploit nested block structure that is often present is truly large-scale optimization problems. This is achieved by treating the building blocks of the structured matrices as objects, that can use … Read more

LPFML: A W3C XML Schema for Linear and Integer Programming

There are numerous algebraic modeling languages for generating linear programs and numerous solvers for computing solutions to linear programs. This proliferation of modeling languages and solvers is frustrating to modelers who find that only certain languages connect to certain solvers. One way to encourage modeler-solver compatibility is to use a standard representation of a problem … Read more

On an Approximation of the Hessian of the Lagrangian

In the context of SQP methods or, more recently, of sequential semidefinite programming methods, it is common practice to construct a positive semidefinite approximation of the Hessian of the Lagrangian. The Hessian of the augmented Lagrangian is a suitable approximation as it maintains local superlinear convergence under appropriate assumptions. In this note we give a … Read more

Numerical Issues and Influences in the Design of Algebraic Modeling Languages for Optimization

This paper draws from our experience in developing the AMPL modeling language, to show where numerical issues have been crucial to modeling language design and where modeling language advances have strongly influenced the design of solvers. CitationProceedings of the 20th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, Dundee, Scotland, D.F. Griffiths and G.A. Watson, eds., University of … Read more

The Use of Java Arrays for Matrix Computations

In the paper it is shown how to utilize the flexibility in native Java arrays for matrix computations. Suitable datastructures for symmetric and sparse matrices are introduced. A disadvantage of the native Java arrays is shown when used as two-dimensional array for dense matrix computation. Numerical results show that the efficiency is not lost using … Read more

Improved Interval Constraint Propagation for Constraints on Partial Derivatives

Automatic differentiation (AD) automatically transforms programs which calculate elementary functions into programs which calculate the gradients of these functions. Unlike other differentiation techniques, AD allows one to calculate the gradient of any function at the cost of at most 5 values of the function (in terms of time). Interval constraint programming (ICP) is a part … Read more

Object-Oriented Software for Quadratic Programming

We describe the object-oriented software package OOQP for solving convex quadratic programming problems (QP). The primal-dual interior point algorithms supplied by OOQP are implemented in a way that is largely independent of the problem structure. Users may exploit problem structure by supplying linear algebra, problem data, and variable classes that are customized to their particular … Read more